Ben Folds Five Digest

Issue #7 - December 27, 1995

 Date: Wed, 3 Jan 1996 00:43:53 -0800
 From: Steve VanDevender 
 Subject: Ben Folds Five

While I was visiting Seattle in October, I saw Ben Folds Five
when they were touring with Heather Nova.  I went with several
friends who were there for Heather, and they all seemed to think
the opening act was something to wait through so they could get
to her.  Normally I would have considered Heather Nova to be more
my kind of thing (my main musical mailing list is the sublime
Ecto, populated by Happy Rhodes fans) and my first thought was
that the opening act was some kind of weird grunge band.  That
changed after about the first couple of songs.  Once I moved up
front and saw that really was a guy playing most beat-up piano
I'd ever seen, I was hooked.  I even watched Ben Folds take down
his piano after the show, another amazing sight.  I could see why
it was so beat up.  When he went by I said "That was great!"
("Thanks") and said something about how that must be a difficult
instrument to tour with.  I ended the evening thinking Heather
Nova was entertaining, but forgettable, and obsessed with finding
the album by this band whose name I didn't even know yet
:-). After the show I asked one of my friends what the name of
that opening band was, and made a note of it to find the CD.  I
then found the Rolling Stone review of the album, and was able to
pick up the CD later in my visit.  I wasn't sure how the album
would compare to the live show, and to my delight it was just as
good, if not better.

One of the downsides to my month-long stay in Seattle was
breaking my leg about a week before I left.  I borrowed a
portable stereo/CD player from the friends I was staying with and
often listened to the BFF album while laying awake nights unable
to sleep.  For nothing more than being friendly songs during an
uncomfortable time, their album has a special place in my music

I sent off for the lyrics after I got back from my Seattle trip
(I live in Eugene, Oregon) and receiving them last weekend was
what inspired me to do a web search for whatever BFF stuff might
be out there.  I found several interesting reviews (most of which
were quite positive) and Frank Maynard's pages, which led me to
this mailing list.

I'm waiting for their tour news, especially to find out if
they'll play in Oregon, best of all right here in Eugene.


 Date: Wed, 3 Jan 1996 04:52:50 -0800 (PST)
 From: Marc Nathan 
 Subject: BFF CD sighting in Toronto

While vacationing over the holidays, I saw, and had a friend purchase, 
the CD at the new Tower Records on Yonge St. in Toronto.


 Date: 03 Jan 96 09:59:48 EST
 From: Jon Johnson <>
 Subject: re: another upcoming BFF date

Dear Frank,
     The Ben Folds Five are supposed to be at the Iron Horse in Northampton,
Mass. on January 18th.  A nice little place--I'll be there!
                                                  All the best,
                                                  Jon Johnson


 Date: Wed, 3 Jan 1996 14:57:02 -0700 (MST)
 From: Lisa Wilton 
 Subject: Ben Folds Five in Canada

Hey there,
	It was mentioned that it was hard to find Ben Folds Five in 
Canada. Well, I know for a fact that HMV carries it. It might only have 
one copy but you should be able to find it. If they don't they can 
certainly order it in, especially if they're on the Track Computer 
system. It's a domestic release now so it should only take a few weeks to 
come in. Does anyone know if BFF plan to tour Canada at all? More 
specifically Calgary or Edmonton. Okay, you can stop laughing now, it was 
worth a try anyway.
						 Cheers, Lisa :-)


 Date: Wed, 3 Jan 1996 16:40:52 -0600 (CST)
 From: Timothy J Martin 
 Subject: Ben Folds Five

Thanks for putting together the BF5 newsletter.

Based on hearing "Underground" on the radio, I went to see Ben Folds Five 
open for Heather Nova at the 7th Street Entry in Minneapolis on Oct 26.  
I was amazed, and apparently, the music reviewers of both daily papers 
were as well.

Jim Walsh wrote in the St. Paul Pioneer Press:  "Poor Heather Nova.  
Having piano man Ben Folds and his crack backing duo opening for you, and 
blowing you away, night after night, must be a drag."

Tom Surowicz wrote in the Minneapolis paper:  "...Folds displayed all the 
qualities necessary for big-time stardom.  He was charismatic, dynamic, 
funny, hard-charging, and electric.  His brash music is some of the best 
unadulturated pop of the '90s."  Surowicz also compared attending this 
show (the Twin Cities debut of BF5) to "walking into a tiny bar and 
discovering the flamboyant, yet unknown Elton John."

We'll be seeing much more of these boys in the years to come, I predict.

				Tim Martin
				Saint Paul, Minnesota

[I've put together a DIY version of a Tour Dates list from information 
reported here over the last couple weeks. This is by no means complete 
but it's all we can go by until we hear from the label or the band. I'll 
put it on the web page and keep it updated as list members report gigs as 
they are scheduled locally. -fjm]


Raleigh/Durham area?           The Cradle                   Jan. 11
Raleigh/Durham area?           The Brewery                  Jan. 13
Hoboken, N.J.                  Maxwell's                    Jan. 18
Northampton, Mass.             Iron Horse                   Jan. 18
  (these can't both be right but they were both reported via the
    BFF mailing list so I'll include them until I get a correction)
Danbury, Ct.                   Tuxedo Junction              Jan. 20
Pontiac, Mich.                 Seventh House                Jan. 26
Southern California            ??                           Feb. ??

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