Ben Folds Five Digest

Issue #60 - March 30, 1996

                     Ben Folds Five Digest, Issue #60
Topics for Today:
      Re: Ben Folds Five Digest, Issue #59
      a CD recommendation, and a TV viewing tip!
      BFF's show in DC
      any N.Y. area show?
      atlantic canadians would flip for BFF
      Re: Ben Folds Five Digest, Issue #59
      one angry dwarf lyrics
      the Ben Folds Five in Washington
      Re: Ben Folds Five Digest, Issue #59
      BFF: DC concert redux
      Ben's new video (BFF)
      ben folds
      BFF Questions
      Ben's Fold Five...
      what else
      Top Ten
      Mark ( and BFF in DC with Dave
      Ben Folds Five mailing list
      mailing list

 Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 01:27:03 -0500
 Subject: Re: Ben Folds Five Digest, Issue #59

 In a message dated 96-03-28 01:19:10 EST, you write:

 >And... Roger is the FINEST
 > bass player I have ever seen. YUMMY!

 roger?  don't you mean robert?  ....You are right about that:)


 Date: Wed, 27 Mar 1996 23:03:13 -0800 (PST)
 From: Marc Nathan <>
 Subject: a CD recommendation, and a TV viewing tip!

 While I have shamelessly hyped my work-related band, Fleming & John (see
 them this Tuesday night on Conan!!!), I have a friend-related CD to tip
 you to, and I would be shocked to the nth degree if it didn't get you all
 hot and bothered. See if you can find a copy of "The Laughing Man" by
 (David) YAZBEK. David performs around NY with a bass player and a drummer
 (guess what...he's a keyboard player ;) ) and has a sharp with, and some
 fine music to boot. If you are an XTC fanatic, you may know David as the
 executive producer of the tribute album that came out last year. If you
 watch PBS, you may have heard a little ditty that he wrote called, "Where
 In The World Is Carmen Sandiego," which was the theme song to the highly
 successful kids show that has been running for years. Anyway, this is a
 really great album, and it's not on my label so while it too might be
 shameless hype, and even though I do truly love Fleming & John, David
 YAZBEK is a sensational artist and deserving of a listen from people with
 taste as fine as BFF fans!

 P.S. No one even took a stab at my trivia question, so I guess I will get
 to keep the Fleming & John video with cameo appearance by Ben...oh well ;)

 Marc Nathan...happy that Barenaked Ladies hit Billboard's album chart
 next week at #111 with a bullet :)


 Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 09:03:16 -0500 (EST)
 Subject: BFF's show in DC

   They completely rocked that night slamming into Uncle Walter after
 playing Liz Phair's "Chopsticks".  But how could anyone in the world like
 that stupid f*cking opening band the Customers.  They were horrible.  It
 was like the same old tired thing I had seen a million times before.  It
 was really funny at first, to think that a cheesy bar chord band had a
 video guy and photographer there to take pictures of them.  It seemed like
 they had a billion roadies too.  I wonder if that's why Ben made a
 comment that night about being rich and having someone come out and fix
 his microphone every time he moves it.  Those guys thought they were
 really good too.  How could someone like that open up for BF5, the
 Customers must've felt even worse when BF5 rocked the place.  Every
 single song ended with that big rock star ending making noise and ending
 all together.  I guess they just don't know any other way to end a song.
 Too bad Eric Bachman from the AOL couldn't have showed up and let that
 Barry Black project open up.
 "I've got my philosophy"


 Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 09:41:09 -0500
 Subject: any N.Y. area show?

 Hi folks,
 Does anybody know if they playing N.Y. area in a few months?
 I might be going back to Japan soon and I missed their Boston show last
 weeksned, so I want to seen their show before that.



 Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 11:09:28 -0400 (AST)
 From: Daniel MacEachern <>
 Subject: atlantic canadians would flip for BFF

 I also want to add my voice to the plea to get Ben Folds Five to come to
 eastern Canada - but don't come this summer because I'm going home to
 Calgary once I'm done school.  Come to Halifax sometime in the fall.  You
 guys could stay at my house!

 Halifax, NS


 Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 11:57:20 -0500
 Subject: Re: Ben Folds Five Digest, Issue #59

 Hello guys!!!  My name is ZDarrah 106 coming from Athens, Joeja.  Just wanted
 to express some opinions on the Ben Folds Five.  My friend and i saw BFF at
 The Point and it was close to the best show I have seen in a while.  It feels
 pretty good to know that a band can get up there and have a good time rather
 than trying to "compete" with other bands.  There was so much electricity
 going on that show that you felt sort of tingly
 at the end of it.  It was definitely the goose bump show of the year.
       I also like it that they are one of the best bands around and yet they
 drive around, just the three of them, in a yellow u-haul sort of thing (write
 a song about this u-haul guys!!) My friend and I were watching the hard
 working fellas unload Ben's piano and all the other stuff.  We asked them if
 they needed any help and they were like, "No that's totally alright!"  At the
 time I have never even heard of this Ben Folds Five, but they sure gave me a
 good first impression.
       I really want the BFF to come to Athens since the town has been in sort
 of a slump lately.  They need to give Athens that kick and get it started
 again.  There was a fellow in the digest that mentioned they should try to
 hit the eastern Halifax area in Nova Scotia.  Well, I definitely agree.
  There are tons of great bands they can play with up there.  I personally
 think the best match up would be Ben Folds Five and Sloan (these guys are
 another unnoticed band who needs some recognition.  They are just so good).
  You have Eric's Trip, Jale, Superfrienz, and many others.  Great idea!!!
       Well it felt good to write about the BBF.  Keep up the hard work guys
 and Chuck if your reading this...I had a dream about Ben and yourself playing
 at a mall in a Macy's display window for some reason.  I have never seen you
 before but I created a picture.  I just thought it was weird.  Tell Ben to
 relax for a while so he can regroup.  It's healthy!!  See ya guys later.


 Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 13:13:37 -0500 (EST)
 From: "JOHN Z. MULL" <>
 Subject: BF5

 I'd like to get something off my chest.  I really hate that Ben Folds
 Five is getting so big.  I know they deserve it and without the success
 fans in other parts of the country might not get to see them, but damn
 it, it's impossible to see them in NC now.  I was lucky that I saw them
 once before they got so huge, but it's never going to happen again.
 	The Tremont show in Charlotte is sold out.  SOLD OUT!  That place is
 huge!  It's just ridiculous to sell out Tremont.  It's depression to know
 that you can no longer get to see your favorite bands in their home
 states without being smashed in with a bunch of twevle year old fanboys
 that would have never even been there if MTV hadn't told them to.
 	It happen to Superchunk.  It's happening to Archers of Loaf.
 Who's next?  Geezer Lake?  The Raymond Brake?
 	I'm sorry.  I know I sound like a whiney little jerk, but it's hard
 to have the fun of an intimate little show taken away from you.  I wish
 everyone could have seen the band five months or longer ago, because that
 experience is now gone.



 Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 13:19:59 -0500
 From: Alessandra Elizabeth Geboff <>
 Subject: one angry dwarf lyrics

 my mom said that was the most i would have
 --that's the best i can do from what i've heard
 and when he's doing that piano thing towards the end
 "you'll be sorry one day "--those ??? are just 'will'
 cause i will, yes i will, but he never says what he'll do--
 i think that's pretty cool.


 Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 14:08:39 -0500 (EST)
 From: David Aron Reaboi <>
 Subject: the Ben Folds Five in Washington

 * tuesday night's show at the 9:30 Club in Washington DC was incredible.
 While i found that the boys (intentional ref. to the Beatles, a group
 that captured the same energy in live performance as BF5) varied the set
 just a little, they did play my favorite song off the album, "Where's
 Summer B.?" the bass lines, melody, and middle 8 are right out of the
 McCartney textbook and come off rather brilliantly. if i closed my eyes,
 i would have had difficulty telling who was playing bass: good Robert or my
 idol, Paul. that was the highlight of the show for me.

 * on a related note, i have never heard anyone compare BF5 to McCartney.
 this is surprising, since the song construction (with the exceptions of
 "Julliane," the verses of "Best Immitation," and "Video") is vintage
 McCartney. he can be credited with development of the lyrical and sweet
 bridges (the second melody, after the chorus and verses), the supreme
 examples of which are "Things We Said Today" and "Here There &
 Everywhere." i hear oasis being described as "the 90s Beatles," and i
 must ask why. because they're english? BF5 should be credited with
 writing LIKE the Beatles, not rewriting ACTUAL Beatle songs. (their
 morning glory album is a disgrace; they have no originality, singing, or
 songwriting ability. my favorite track, "she's electric," is an almost
 humorous combination of orbison's "you got it" and "do you believe in
 magic" by 10cc, if i'm not mistaken.) any thoughts?

 * back to the show--- afterwards, i managed to grab robert's copy of the
 setlist, which didn't include the encores. they were cool to come out and
 talk to the crowd after the show; they were very down to earth and
 friendly. i obtained their autographs on my cd, and we talked a little as

 * after the show, ben said there are plans to record a NEW ALBUM in
 about a month. two to three months after that, the new tour
 will be back in DC. pretty cool. i hope that BF5 will never attain
 mainstream "hugeness" (in other words, constant mtv airplay), but will be
 popular enough to keep making albums for many years and touring small
 clubs in stead of stadiums. i love 'em.

 Dave Reaboi
 George Washington University


 Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 16:14:36 -0500
 Subject: Re: Ben Folds Five Digest, Issue #59

 I met an extremely pleasant young lady at the BF5 show in DC Tuesday night.
  I think she might be on this list.  If you're here, email me.  You were
 wearing a groovy puffy shirt that your sister bought from a flea market in

    [Are you sure it wasn't Jerry Seinfeld? :) -fjm]


 Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 17:24:14 -0500 (EST)
 From: "Gregory M. Weight" <gweight@UDel.Edu>
 Subject: BFF: DC concert redux

 some additions to erica's fine recap of the fine bff show at the 9:30:

 -the other cover they did was "cross-town traffic" which was a veritable
 hoot.  robert did the vocals and sounded good, from what i could make out
 as the sound guy had his mike really low for some reason most of the night.

 -the customers really sucked, imho.  they were loud for no good reason
 and had a song called "blood," a bad sign for any band.  the lead singer
 jumped incessantly around the stage as he and the lead guitarist used
 every opportunity to create feedback, again, for no good reason.  during
 the bff set, the customers' lead singer was in the front row with some
 woman who shook robert's hand at least 6 times.

 -for those of you in dc who have yet to see the new 9:30, it is a great
 place to see a concert.  i watched the show from the balcony (which
 ben described as looking like something out of star trek) facing the stage
 where they have a bar and tiers of seating.  check it out.

 since this is my first post i will also say that i am greg weight, a
 graduate student in english at the u of delaware, a native (suburban)
 seattleite and a big fan of crowded house, the posies, p.m. dawn, red
 house painters, and bff, of course!

 (check out my home page:


 Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 18:08:23 -0500
 Subject: Ben's new video (BFF)

 Well the latest news I've heard is that the band is planning to Uncle Walter
 next.  Sooooo, it looks like Underground isn't going to be their last video.
  Anyway, I still havn't seen the Underground video.(Wierd huh?) Could anybody
 who's seen it tell me how it goes or what happens?  See you later.



 Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 19:56:30 -0500
 Subject: ben folds

 hey, my name is aaron zickefoose, i am at,...........i would
 like to get on the ben folds mailing list,..........also i would like to know
 where, if, i could get my hands on the sheet music to the piano in ben folds
 songs,..........if you know of anywhere let me know please............when is
 the next time that ben folds is going to be around raleigh, nc,.........i see
 that there concert is cancelled for march 30 at trinity farm..........oh
 well..........please give me some feed back the best you can....thanks
 aaron zickefoose


 Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 20:18:32 -0500 (EST)
 Subject: BFF Questions

 Howdy Y'all, I have a few questions that need to be answered:
   1)Is Eddie Walker available on CD?
   2)Can anyone get me a copy of the Japanese CD w/Tom and Mary?(I'll pay
   3)Does the soundtrack w/the BFF song Retarded come out on April2?
   4)When does the CD w/Video Killed The Radio Star come out and what is it
   5)Are there any other songs coming out soon?
   6)Is anyone going to an upcoming show that can buy me one of those white
     and red  T-shirts?(I'll pay top$)
 If you can answer any of these questions for me, I'll be very gratefull
 "Thanks a whole shitload" as Ben would say.      -JRP

 "You make me feel, make me feel, make me feel retarded"-BFF


 Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 21:31:52 -0400 (AST)
 From: Kathy Jarvis <>
 Subject: Ben's Fold Five...

 	I really love this band, and I play them atleast once on my hour
 long radio show (Planet X), a lot of other people play their stuff to.
 My favorite song's "Where's Summer B?".  Anyways, our Station is CFXU,
 located in Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada.  It's St. Francis Xavier
 University's campus radio station.  Hope I helped

 Kathy Jarvis


 Date: Thu, 28 Mar 96 17:38 PST
 Subject: what else

 Hi everyone,

 >Oh, and Ben, if you happen to read this --- PLEASE COME TO EASTERN
 > CANADA!!!(Halifax, Saint John, Moncton, Fredericton - anywhere within a
 > 300 mile radius and WE ARE THERE.)

 And the west coast too, eh!   ...oh, and...isn't it kilometres? ;)

 the barenaked ladie


 Date: Thu, 28 Mar 1996 20:56:03 -0500 (EST)
 Subject: Top Ten

 My Top Ten Albums of 1995/1996:
   1.Ben Folds Five-Never leaves my CD Player
   2.311-Funky Shiznit
   3.3lb. Thrill"Vulture"-Great band that happened to open for BFF in MI
   4.Everclear"Sparkle and Fade"-Another CD that is always in the player
   5.7Mary3"American Standard"-Great Southern Style Rock
   6.Faith No More-Still great even without Jim Martin
   7.Foo Fighters-Very Radio-Friendly
   8.White Zombie-Heavy and very loud
   9.Johnny Mnemonic-Helmet,KMFDM,God Lives Under Water,Stabing Westward
   10.Mr.Wrong-Just for including Ben Folds Five

 Biggest Dissapointments(wastes of money)
   1.Primus-My Favorite Band bombs big time
   2.Alice In Chains-Another of my favs witha real sucker
   3.Smashing Pumpkins-Way too many songs that suck
   4.Spacehog-After track #1, it's over
   5.Mike Watt-Ball-Hog
 Just in the mood to babble about music.     -JRP


 Date: Thu, 28 Mar 96 18:16:07 -800
 From: Susan Huntington <>

 I saw Ben Folds Five on 120 minutes. I like their sound.
 Especially with the piano. That's something extremely
 few bands have. It's a nice change of pace to the usual
 lead guitar, bass, drums setup that most new
 "alternative" bands have today.
 Ryan Huntington


 Date: Fri, 29 Mar 1996 11:51:05 -0500 (EST)
 From: Somebody to Love <>
 Subject: Mark ( and BFF in DC with Dave

 KhobKhun (MARK!) Hey! I was there with Dave!!!! Yes, they WERE great, and
 Dave was mighty thoughtful to get that poster signed for you. We were
 just about to leave when he said, "I should get this signed for my friend
 who got me into them." He told Darren about you being the one that got
 him into BFF. SO, now you're known. =) And because we stayed later, we
 almost got stuck in a really bad section of DC without a way home! You
 owe Dave a thanks!

 "Some summers in the evening after six or so, I'll walk on down the hill,
  Maybe buy me a beer. I think about my friends, you know sometimes I wish
  they lived out here, but they wouldn't dig this town."
 					-Ben Folds Five (Alice Childress)
 ******************I do the best imitation of myself.....*******************


 Date: Fri, 29 Mar 1996 17:49:03 -0500
 Subject: Ben Folds Five mailing list

 I saw them last night at Mama Kin Music Hall in Boston, it was the best show
 I ever went to.
  Scott Ludwig


 Date: Fri, 29 Mar 96 19:21:01 -0800
 From: Anne palmer <>
 Subject: mailing list

 Hi.  I saw BFF in Atlanta last month and they blew me away.  Send me what
 you have.




    [Hi. I apologize for not sending out any digests for a couple days.
 Thursday I was in Toledo on business all day and stayed around to see Moxy
 Fruvous. For those BFFans who haven't checked out Moxy Fruvous, you
 should. Their songs (some of them) are zany, their antics nuts, and their
 harmonies are spine-tingling. Plus they are big fans of Ben Folds Five. I
 talked with three of the band members after the show and they noticed my
 BFF t-shirt and said it's a great band. "Kicks ass" is the term Mike Ford
 used, actually. I guess they played together in NYC recently (anyone have
 any details of this?) and really enjoyed it.  They have three CDs but
 only one, "Bargainville," is available outside Canada and the latest,
 "The 'b' Album," is only sold at their shows and by mail. As usual, if
 you query Altavista you'll get about 200 hits on them. -fjm]

Ben Folds Five Mailing List   
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          And now it's been 10 years - I'm still wonderin' who to be