The Ben Folds Five Digest

Issue #178 - February 2, 1997

                     THE MAGICAL ARMCHAIR, Issue #178
     * Change the subject of your reply to something pertaining to your
       message (not "The Magical Armchair, Issue #nnn").
     * Don't quote excessively, or quote the entire digest, when replying.
     * Please keep non-Ben Folds Five content to a minimum.
Topics for Today:
      new release?
      Video Killed/Beautiful downtown Hoboken...
      Champagne Supernova
      Re: THE MAGICAL ARMCHAIR, Issue #177
      Snicker and fade.
      Re: The Ben Folds Five maniacal reckless abandon...
      here's me!
      Traitors to their country?
      B-sides and rare live tracks
      short stories and outrageous requests...
      Along the same lines as BFF . . .
      Ahhhhhhhhhh.....the demand was great!!! thanks kiddies!!!!
      BF5 live stuff for trading

    [First... many "routine" questions being asked on the list can be
 answered by checking the web pages. See the url at the bottom of the
 digest. There are links to others' pages in case you can't find what you
 want. Info on the new album, tour dates as we have them, etc. We don't
 have an FAQ yet, but the web pages out there are the next best thing. -fjm]


 Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 19:35:45 -0500 (EST)
 Subject: new release?

 I'm so behind on the BFF times....I want the new
 release? WHeRe, When, Why, and HOW????
 when are they going back home to NC?????

                          ( o o )
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~oOOo  ( )  oOOo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


 Date: Thu, 30 Jan 97 20:15:34 EDT
 From: Pooh Head Bucket? <>
 Subject: Video Killed/Beautiful downtown Hoboken...

 Hey people!

      	When I cornered Ben at Irving Plaza (again, opening for
 (blecch) Heather Nova) he said "Video Killed The Radio Star" was
 supposed to be released on a one-hit-wonder comp called "Wonderama."
 Anyone know what happened to that?!? Frank?!? It really does rock. I
 have a pseudo-crappy recording of that show (11/6/95 (or 6/11/95, for
 our Brit pals ;)) and VKTRS is exquisite. They also did the fake
 rock-opera half-a cappella "Best Imitation" that evening. Fabulous.
 	Anyone hear a rumor about the band playing a one-off at
 Maxwells in NJ soon? A few locals have repeated that to me but, alas,
 I can't find out for sure. I'd be reeeeeeeeeally upset if I missed it.

      I can't possibly express how jealous I am at Japan and Europe. I
 guess I know how you guys feel now...


      Tom Soriano *
      "It's a typical day on the road to Utopia"


 Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 20:29:29 -0500 (EST)
 From: Stephen Clay <fender@grove.ufl.EDU>
 Subject: Champagne Supernova

 Just curious:  Is the cover of C.S. sung with that huge southern accent?
 When they played here in Gainesville, we heard just a taste and it was
 pure genious.  Incredible drawl.  Anyway...
 Also: "Faffing" is that even a word!?
 Steve Clay


 Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 21:22:18 -0500
 From: "Matthew W. Morse" <>
 Subject: Re: THE MAGICAL ARMCHAIR, Issue #177

 when does the new album come out?
 -Matt Morse


 "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and
 glorify your father in Heaven."
                                 -Matthew 5.16


 Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 21:42:33 -0500 (EST)
 Subject: Snicker and fade.

 Okay, so I'm new here.  And I feel like a moron.  I'm wondering how everyone
 on this list came to hear BF5.  I stumbled upon their song "Underground" on a
 CMJ CD from almost a year ago.  Loved them ever since.  HOWEVER, I, too, like
 basically every third message out here states, cannot get my hands on BF5
 rarities, so on, so forth.  If anyone cares to help me out, I will return the
 favor in any way possible.

 Ummmm.......Non-Ben Folds content to a minimum.  I'm trying to do this, the
 majority of my thoughts are random, so this is a toughie.  There's not much
 talk of THE wedding out here, eh?  Is that old news?  Sniffle.  Sob.  I'm so
 out of the circle.

 Anyhow, I'd love to hear from anyone out there.  Just make sure, if you email
 me, that you don't title yr message "FREE SECURITY SYSTEM" or something like
 that that will cause me to delete my mail.  (We here at AOL are swamped).

 I'd ask about favorite BF5 songs and so on, but I think that's falling into
 the realm of cheesy, and probably overdone.  Take care, all.



 Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 22:07:36 -0500
 From: Jennifer Delamar <>
 Subject: Re: The Ben Folds Five maniacal reckless abandon...

 >          I am going to ask a question I am sure everyone already knows:
 when is the band touring in NC?  I go to Chapel Hill all the time, but I
 don't know when they are headlining or anything. I would love to just see
 them~  Golly gee!  I wondered what Boxing meant, because the song gets this
 feeling going....good vibration, perhaps, and I just love to question what a
 song means.  I now know.  I have an interest in Muhammad Ali, because he has
 the disease which is slowly taking over his mind, and now when I see him,
 and hear of his whereabouts, I know what is going on.

 But Alice Childress?  What does that song mean?  Please reply to this question!

 Love everyone with a pulse....I do say....

 Jennifer Delamar aka Karaoke Queen


 Date: Tue, 1 Jan 1991 23:26:06 PST
 From: Malkav Appolonius <>
 Subject: Post:

 Hey dose any one have a demo tape of "whatever and ever Amen", Id do any
 thing for it, I can trade bootlegs or something, well thats about it.


 Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 19:40:55 -0800 (PST)
 From: Adam Gimbel <>
 Subject: here's me!

 Another mailing list?  Sure, why not.  I'm not sure why I'm joining yet.  I
 got a copy of the 1st Ave. concert in trade last week and it refueled my
 love of the band.  My girlfriend's eyes lit up when I suggested that I join
 this list and print out the digests for her.  I'd guess that BF5 fans are
 some of the coolest around.  I already know some people on here (y'all
 better welcome me privately, asap!) and some of you who I haven't talked to
 might know who I am anyways.  Let me explain in my usually long winded

 My name is Adam Gimbel.  I'm 25 and I live in San Diego, CA.  I've lived
 all over CA but between 91-93, when I was going to school in LA, my path
 kept crossing that of the SF pop band Jellyfish.  I dug 'em a lot but got
 kinda sick of them after a little while.  After they broke up a bunch of
 different people told me that "if I liked Jellyfish, then I HAD to hear Ben
 Folds Five".  That was enough to make me avoid them like the plague.
 There's something about "poppy" music that is difficult for me.  I call it
 the "Star Search factor".  Most happy bands belong on Star Search, y'know?
 Cheesy, over smiley, etc.  Certain bands like the Posies, Redd Kross, and
 Weezer all write great rocking music that is pretty without being cheesy
 and I love 'em all.

 I slowly heard a track here and there by BF5 and realized that despite it's
 obviously happy, radio friendly sound, that there was so much energy that
 it overcame any over-melodious tendancies.  Plus the lyrics were clever and
 brought a smile to my face after MANY listenings unlike other "funny" bands
 (Barenaked Ladies, TMBG,etc.)  I was working in LA in an office with a guy
 who had worked for Caroline and couldn't believe I still hadn't heard them.
 I played his copy of the album a couple of times but didn't listen closely
 enough to really love it.  An LA radio station was playing "Summer B" a lot
 and THAT I pretty much couldn't resist.  Why?  Well, maybe it's because my
 girlfriend's name is Summer Brannin!  Beat that!  Anyways, I paid $15 to
 see them play a short set opening up for Heather Nova (laughably
 overdramatic)  and for some reason was STILL not sold enough to go grab the

 Probably 6 months later, I started my Jellyfish website (I guess they come
 up in conversation here a lot, I'm still waiting for a strictly Jelly
 list).  I had lots of people wanting to trade who had nothing to offer.
 So, I let them (what a guy!) buy me CD's in exchange for rare tapes.  One
 buy bought me 2 XTC CD's and BF5's record.  Finally, having it in my
 posession, I started to wear it out.  Summer wanted me to bring it home (I
 have a CD player at work where I do all of my computer stuff) and when I
 did she absolutely freaked on it.  We used to listen to the entire album
 and dance and dance and dance and dance......

 So, I'm sold already!  I eagerly await the new album and pray that they
 don't come through town before June 23rd (Summer's 21st birthday) because
 he'll probably play a 21 & up club.

 The Artist Formerly Known As Dumyhead          step 1       step 2
 (currently pogoing)                            ______
                                                |O-O^|         |  |
 Visit:                                         | <  |         |  |
 "Adam & Summer Are Dumyheads"                  |__o_|oi!     /    \                 |
 home of:                                         /|\
 "Joining A Fanpage:Jellyfish Tales"             | | |
 "Jason Falkner Lives"                           | | |
 "Picture Yourself In A Vote On The Beatles"      / \
 NEW!!! An actual picture of us!                 /   \
                                                _\   /_
 CD for the day (I bring one to work everyday,
     alphabetically, starting November 95)
 Rollins Band-The End Of Silence
 I love Henry's spoken word stuff.  He's hilarious.  His lyrics however are
 more than laughable.  It's weird that a guy that is SO right on can be so
 lame when singing.  A BMG freebie, I guess i keep it around for laughs.


 Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 23:34:25 -0500 (EST)
 From: Shannon McCarthy <>
 Subject: Traitors to their country?

 Ya know..........being that Ben Folds Five are from the United States, why
 is it the album release date and the touring is so much later, in the
 U.S?? I just don't get it. They obviousluy have a decent fan base outside
 of North AMerica......but they'd have one here too..if they played here!

 We are just jelous! Right Linda?? I"m just praying that BFF wil lcome and
 play in Michigan and Toronto so i can go to both!!

 there's a reason they are called B-sides people,

 ~~~~I'm so hot ,i'm so enlightened. Please turn me on, turn me off~~~~~~~~


 Date: Thu, 30 Jan 1997 23:58:18 -0500 (EST)
 From: Tony Flaminio <flaminio@ACSU.Buffalo.EDU>
 Subject: B-sides and rare live tracks

 	Hi!!!  I'm new to this list!  I love it!!  I love BF5!!  I can't
 wait till the album comes out!  In fact, I wonder if I can get an imported
 version from Japan?.......Hmmmmm...  I have the first album, "Tom & Mary",
 "Emaline" (my favorite song), "Song for the dumped", "Bad Idea" (my second
 favorite song), and "Satan is my master".  Well, anyway I'm posting a
 request for any kind soul to either send me a tape of BF5's b-sides,
 covers and basically everthing I don't have.  This person can either send
 me this tape out of the kindness of their heart or trade it for a tape of
 Radiohead (i have stuff from their upcoming album, plus some covers),
 Hayden songs (i have the Mild & Hazy 7" , "Tree's Lounge", and his new
 e.p. "Moving Carefull"), or even Nirvana (i have everything).

 /*           check me.           */
 /*                                                                      */
 /*         floating upon the surf is for the birds. -radiohead          */


 Date: Fri, 31 Jan 1997 01:47:14 -0500 (EST)
 Subject: short stories and outrageous requests...

 okay, so my mom calls me at work the other day to tell me i got some funky
 mail from some guy named ben...i was confused, she was confused, this
 is,after all, the same woman who asked me if i had fun at the "dijable"
 planets was a cute momento, i had no idea what she was talking
 about and now see that several kids have gotten theirs too. woohoo! (say it
 like homer) :) anyway, i've been an armchair voyeur for some months now, this
 is my first HIIIIIIIII! :)  I know this is pretty last minute, but
 i'm trying to find people who might be interested in going to the show in New
 Orleans (if it's not sold out) and who either wanna meet there or are in
 Florida, like me. :) i just went there, but would the flight is cheap and
 they are So worth it! send mail and i shall respondayvoo. love and fa la la
 la la's - shida


 Date: Fri, 31 Jan 1997 02:10:34 -0500 (EST)
 Subject: Intro

 Hi, folks, I'm a newbie on the list here.  I managed to catch BFF last year
 in Springfield MO, and ever since I've wanted to meet him so I could deeply
 apologize for the miserably piddly reception that my hometown gave him.
  Hopefully he's long forgotten it...

 Ned and his red socks


 Date: Fri, 31 Jan 1997 02:24:09 -0500 (EST)
 Subject: Along the same lines as BFF . . .

 If your love BFF you will prbably really like this band from Austin called
 Dah-Veed.  David Garza is from Austin and has been playing all over the
 southwest for years.  He recently penned a deal with Atlantic, and hopefully
 will be coming everywhere soon.  Check them out - they are on the web.


 Date: Fri, 31 Jan 1997 02:25:06 -0500 (EST)
 Subject: Ahhhhhhhhhh.....the demand was great!!! thanks kiddies!!!!

 hello fellow Bennenites!!!

 i am about to place my order at my local record store to get the Japan
 version of the album wich i beleive is already out!!!

 thanks so much for the positive response to my little song list!  i couldnt
 have done it without the folks who run the Looks, Brains, And Everything web
 page!!!  we should all thank them for my list!! they made it!!

 as always, any replys to me will be responded to asap!  i still will mail the
 songlist out to anyone who wants it!!!

 when  get my BF5 CD in the coming days i will post my own little review!!!
 hope to hear from you all!!!

 JOhn Hartman    also known as, but mostly just the ol anyone found Summer yet????  just


 Date: Fri, 31 Jan 1997 08:21:31 -0500 (EST)
 From: Alexander Jay Timin <>
 Subject: BF5 live stuff for trading

 As you can see from my sig file, I have some BF5 material to trade.  If
 you are interested, reply off the list.

 I have stuff to trade by the following:
 The Posies
 The Grays
 Jason Falkner
 Big Star
 The Caulfields
 Counting Crows
 Our Lady Peace
 Dave Matthews Band
 Tori Amos
 Ben Folds 5

 more on the way! email me for trading!

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                Wondered where you coulda ducked out of sight