The Ben Folds Five Digest

Issue #228 - April 14, 1997

                     THE MAGICAL ARMCHAIR, Issue #228
     * Change the subject of your reply to something pertaining to your
       message (not "The Magical Armchair, Issue #nnn").
     * DON'T quote excessively, OR QUOTE THE ENTIRE DIGEST, when replying.
     * Please keep non-Ben Folds Five content to a minimum. Off-topic 
       messages may be deleted by the moderator.
     * Although not a requirement of membership, if you attend a show, 
       you may wish to post a review.
     * Before posting questions of a general nature (e.g., "Anyone have 
       tour dates?" or "What are the words to Underground?"), check the 
       Web resources available. Two places to start are:
     * When possible, personal replies to writers of messages that are
       not intended for the entire listmembership should be sent to the
       individual and not the list.
     * Because of the way the Magical Armchair is currently assembled, any 
       item of a time-critical nature should be sent several days in advance.
Topics for Today:
      cigarette (either that or Fred Jones, not sure of the title)
      various BFF press
      Yaaay :D
      Looking Song
      Re: Krishna, Atlanta show, the music in general
      BFF question
      Conan O'Brien and Irving Plaza
      piano lessons
      bf5 giong mainstream
      Cleveland Show!!!

 Date: Sat, 12 Apr 1997 00:23:10 -0400 (EDT)
 From: Boba Fett <>

 hi guys....
         its me again! Your local wacky kentucky college student who just
 loves BFF....anyways...
 I was just wondering if there were any fellow kentuckians who were going to
 try and attend a show somewhere...perhaps chicago??  Plus....i just want to
 know if there any more of us out there.  Let me know.            Is there
 really a summer tour planned?  I thought that it was strange that BFF seemed
 to skip all of the ohio valley...they came to louisville last year sometime.
 (my sister saw and met them)  Hopefully...
 thanks in advance for any info!
 lots o' love,
 jessica b.
 Jessica B. Musselwhite  (PLEASE mail me at school, I need communication with
 normal humans!!!)
 1 University Drive, CPO 595, Campbellsville, Kentucky 42718  OR


 Date: Sat, 12 Apr 1997 01:21:17 -0400 (EDT)
 Subject: cigarette (either that or Fred Jones, not sure of the title)

 I've hear a lot of discussion about Steven's Last Night, and kate, but in my
 opinion, the most powerful song (lyricly at least) would have to be
 cigarette. That is such a sad powerful story. I was wondering if any of us
 bf5ers knew anything more about the lyrics. If i'm just searching for deeper
 meaning in a song that is deep enough, then I apologize, but hopefuly there
 is a bigger story behind Fred Jones.
                                        Ben Davidson


 Date: Fri, 11 Apr 1997 23:16:20 -0700 (PDT)
 From: Pollyanna Rhee <>
 Subject: various BFF press

 I don't know what it is about today, but I've read four articles that
 mentioned Ben Folds Five today.  The first was a review in Pulse, Tower's
 little free magazine thing, I took about 12 copies of the thing cos it had
 Damon on the cover, but the review in it was favourable, just like them
 all, though they said that there was a guitar in 'Fair'.  Seattle's Rocket
 gave a sentence on them in the review of the Counting Crows show, another
 was in the paper here about the new pop renaissance, the best though was in
 INsite, here's the last part of the review: the album was put on the
 'dean's list'

 "You can have your Live, your f**cking Pumpkins, and all the rest: for my
 money, the Ben Folds Five is the best rock band in America."

 Amen to that... about BFF becoming popular, well as resident Blur nutter
 here, I'm going through the same thing with Blur, 'Song 2' becoming a Buzz
 Clip and all. I hate people who think Blur's a punk band, who think the new
 album is their first, and that the 'lead singer' is soooooooo hot.  But, I
 guess it comes with time, right? I think before you feel like you're above
 all the MTV influenced alternabrats and then when the hit comes, you become
 closer to them and it sucks because it doesn't really matter how long
 you've been listening cos it's now that matters, so you end up being the
 only one at Cardigans shows who know songs from previous albums.  I guess
 I'm in a bitter mood today.

 Komeda is another one of the 'Swedepop' bands, a trio.  Less sugary than
 the Cardigans.  'The Genius of Komeda' album is out now in the States and
 it's pretty good, not up to the Cardigans, but okay.

 Long rubbish post from me...


 Date: Sat, 12 Apr 1997 00:54:36 -0400 (EDT)
 From: Alice Childress <>
 Subject: Yaaay :D

 	Ben Folds Five is coming to my hometown (Albany, NY).  I guess a
 date is confirmed: Thursday May 29 at Saratoga Winners.  I found out today
 from a friend and I called up the place and found it to be true.  I'm so
 excited...there is no way I CAN'T go to this show.  See, if any of you are
 Soundgarden fans, you'll know that they just broke up.  They were my all
 time favorite.  Nowadays, I have a lot of favorite bands, of which Ben
 Folds Five is one.  I've seen most of my favorite bands live, BFF and
 Helmet excluded, and I'm going to see BFF next month..moral of this
 story..NEVER NEVER NEVER miss out on a show, by all means pull out all the
 stops and go to it.

 	can't wait til next month tho :)  i already requested the day off
 from work, and if they make me work then fukem, cause Im not going


 Date: Sat, 12 Apr 1997 08:02:26 -0400 (EDT)
 Subject: Looking Song


 How can I get a hold of Ben Folds Five remake of, "Kajagoogoo's- Too Shy".
  It was on the local radio last week-Cheeky FM. I contacted them, but was
 told they only had one bootleg copy on CD.  I have it on cassette, but want
 it on CD as I am an avid collector of BFF.  How can I get hold of it?????

 Respect to da max,



 Date: Sat, 12 Apr 1997 08:56:47 -0400 (EDT)
 Subject: Re: Krishna, Atlanta show, the music in general

 Hi all,
 First of all, let me say what a blast it is to have the Armchair.  Nice to
 know I'm not alone in my love of this band.

 As for the Gita line, it intrigued me.  I didn't know of Kate's involvement
 with the Krishnas.  Cool!  I spent some time living at the temple in Atlanta
 some years ago and, while no expert, if anyone has some general questions,
 I'd be happy to try to answer them.

 I keep reading everyone's in-depth pondering of the meaning of lyrics.  While
 this is cool and one of the nice things about the Armchair, what attracted me
 to the band more than anything was the sheer exhuberance of the music!  It's
 played with such conviction that you can tell that the guys are simply having
 a blast.  I hope that continues for a long time.

 May 3, Atlanta.  While I'd much prefer to see BFF in their own show, I'll be
 at the Midtown Music Festival.  Can't wait!  When I got to see the guys last
 year, it was at the Georgia Theatre in Athens.  About 1000 people, general
 admission.  I was right in front of Ben against the stage.  I caught the song
 list that he dropped into the crowd!  It was truly an amazing show.  I've
 since turned everyone I can on to BFF.  It would be nice to meet other
 Armchair members if we can figure out a place.

 As for the mainstream vs. alternative issue, I think that as long as the guys
 stay true to what they believe, it will be fine.  The second album was my
 concern because many artists can come up with one good album (sorry, showing
 my age).  I like the second even better than the first and I didn't think
 that was possible.

 Thanks for letting me have my two cents.  Talk to you all soon.  See you in

 Stefanie Schumacher


 Date: Sat, 12 Apr 1997 10:16:19 -0400 (EDT)
 Subject: BFF question

 Hello all, I'm new to your mailing list and I was wondering if you could
 catch me up on a few things.  Such as-  What is the state of BFF bootlegs?
  Do any exist?  If so I would be interested in a trade or a purchase.
  Secondly,  I've heard reports that the boys are going to be on the Conan
 O'Brian show.  Could some one verify this for me?  If so, I'd like the date.
  Thank you for all of your help!


 Date: Sat, 12 Apr 1997 11:13:23 -0400 (EDT)
 Subject: Conan O'Brien and Irving Plaza

 Just wondering if any NY Armchairs are planning on meeting somewhere before
 the Irving Plaza show.  If interested, e-mail privately at
 and let me know maybe we can work something out.
      Also, I would be very interested in attending the taping of BFF on
 Conan.  How can I do this.


 Date: Sat, 12 Apr 1997 12:15:17 -0400
 From: Daniel MacEachern <>
 Subject: piano lessons

 > From:

 > I loved your story, Bryce.  I've been wondering about Ben's experience with
 > piano.  I, myself, quit after playing for two years when I was 9-10.  I wish
 > I was smart enough to realize at the time that I didn't have to like that
 > boring stuff I was learning and could do my own thing.  I started taking it
 > up again 2 1/2 years ago at age 25.  I started on the same boring path I did
 > before, but wasn't on it for long.  I'm still taking lessons, but I moved on
 > to a blues/jazz guy who taught himself how to play.
 > Who else on the list plays?  Any advice?

 I've been playing since I was six (I'm 21 now).  When I started, I didn't
 like it much, but my mom seemed really happy that I was taking lessons,
 that I kept up with it.  I remember distinctly coming home from my first
 lesson, and heading upstairs to my bedroom.  My mom called me, standing at
 the bottom of the stairs, asking me if I liked it.  I didn't, but her face
 was shining, and she seemed so proud that I said I did.  Later on I tried
 to explain that I wasn't too jazzed with the whole thing, but my parents
 encouraged me not to give up on it too soon.  Eventually it just grew into
 a routine for me, lessons, practice, being teased at school: "hey, Danny, I
 hear you're quite the penis, I mean pianist, heh heh."  But by grade ten
 (school, that is, not grade ten piano) or so, I was tired of it.  I thought
 I was getting pretty good, I was able to play music that sounded like,
 well, like music, and not piano lesson pieces.  So I decided I wanted to
 take a break from lessons.  My parents said okay.  I took a year off, and
 played more in that year than I had ever played before and I found I
 actually enjoyed it.  It didn't hurt that by this point I noticed (and this
 sounds really superficial, but I was 15) that it impressed girls.  Anyway,
 I joined a jazz band and went back to lessons the year after.  Got my grade
 ten piano, and I do a lot of composing now.  Everything I do on the piano
 is strictly for enjoyment.  Some days when I sit at the keyboard, it just
 won't come, so I don't play.  It's not my career, so I don't have to force
 it.  I think you need lessons, yeah, they're like weight training.  Lessons
 give you the technique to do what you wish - even if you choose not to use
 what you learn.  At least you'll have the choice.  When you're nine or ten
 it seems that the lessons are the most important thing and there doesn't
 seem to be much point.  When you see the results from the lessons (for me
 it was personal satisfaction and the girl thing) you realize that the
 lessons aren't the be-all and end-all.  Anyway, good luck and keep it up.



 Date: Sat, 12 Apr 1997 13:21:07 -0400 (EDT)
 Subject: bf5 giong mainstream

 << Regarding what Craig was saying in Armchair #222 about Ben Folds Five
   not going mainstream - I reckon it's good that they don't. Some of
   the joys of singing a song that not many people can whistle and sing
   is a blessing. Imagine if everyone you knew had both BFF albums, and
   sung them constantly in your company. It would be too much to bear
   for some people.... >>

 I totally disagree with you. I don't listen to BF5 just because my friends
 don't, and so that I can feel cool by singing a great song that they would
 have never heard of. I introduce BF5 to as many people as I can because I
 love them. And, considering how much I love bf5, and what a wonederful band
 they are,  I figure the more people that hear them, and can share the love
 the better. I personally try not to base my  self-coolness-factor on the
 obscurity of my music. Sorry if this post was a little angry, I just feel
 pretty strongly about that issue.          Ben Davidson


 Date: Sat, 12 Apr 1997 14:19:28 -0400 (EDT)
 From: Mitch Armbruster <>
 Subject: Emaline

 For anyone interested, I have posted a mp3 sample of "Emaline" in case
 some people have never had a chance to hear it.  It is probably one of the
 best B-side songs to date, IMHO.  You can find it at:

  - Mitch Armbruster

 P.S. "Missing the War" is my new favorite off the new album.  I don't know
 why but it sounds great on my car stereo cranked up loud!!!


 Date: Sat, 12 Apr 1997 14:00:21, -0500
 Subject: Cleveland Show!!!

 In response to:
 >  >  I'm going to the cleveland Show!!!!!  Cannot wait, should be a
 >  I am going too!!!!  My boyfriend, and two friends of mine are going
 I'm going to the Cleveland show also.  I definitely think all of us
 should try to meet up somehow.  Any ideas as to how to pick eachother
 out of a crowd besides the usual "I'll be wearing...." and "I have brown



 Date: Sat, 12 Apr 1997 15:37:29 -0500 (EST)
 From: Jinky <angjc@BIOMED.MED.YALE.EDU>
 Subject: AMEN!

 I just bought the new album here in New Haven.....I know
 I know, I waited too long to buy it....being the native
 North Carolinian....and BFF fan, I'm so ashamed!

 it's an incredible album...spunk-sensitivity and all....makes me
 homesick for the Cradle ... and the Brewery!  Silly, I know...
 whoever suggested the armchair soiree ...WHEN AND WHERE?
 somewhere here in the North East would be cool...won't be
 home in NC until mid august!

 Anyone going to the NY show at the end of this month?  Wish
 I could....(especially if they need a standby violinist for all the
 incredibly orginial-new stuff).....


 (also bought the Built to Spill album to check out - thanks for the

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