The Ben Folds Five Digest

Issue #245 - April 22, 1997

Magical Armchair Digest    Tuesday, April 22 1997    Volume 01 : Number 245

                           THE MAGICAL ARMCHAIR
                     The Ben Folds Five Mailing List

Topics for today:

	Re: Short and sweet....when? 
	Detroit Concert:)
	ok, Lawrence show get-together??
	Crappy fakebooks, The only way to be accurate, Atlanta
	Ben Folds Five in DETROIT! 
	Ben Folds Five in DETROIT! 
	Ben Folds Five in DETROIT! 
	Entertainment Weekly 


Date: Sun, 20 Apr 1997 20:23:27 -0400 (EDT)
From: (Jennifer Delamar)
Subject: Re: Short and sweet....when? 

Alright, people...does anyone know the next tour date for NC?

Jennifer Delamar
aka Karaoke Queen


Date: Sun, 20 Apr 1997 21:23:09 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: covers 

I've thought about this one awhile, and in my opinion, the ultimate cover
would be (i'm not sure the exact title of the song) "Tutty Fruity on Rudy" by
little Richard. I can just hear ben singing it right now. That would be
beautiful. I agree with whoever said that brick probably has more then one
meaning, but why doesn't someone ask  ben after a concert. People frequently
write in talking about interviewing Ben, or talking with him, so please do us
all a favor, and whenever anyone talks with Ben, find out for sure, and then
we can all sleep a little easier at night.                   Ben Davidson


Date: Sun, 20 Apr 1997 22:05:05 -0400
Subject: Tapes.... 

Hi, this is my first post.  I'm addressing the person who was kind enough
to explain the whole concept of "seed, and branches and leaves" to us
all... (My email disk crashed, and a lost that particular "armchair"  I was
saving it so I could mail you a tape.  If you could mail me personally and
let me know how I could send you a blank (sorry, nothing to trade, I'm new
at all of this...although a friend of mine would love to, he's got all
kinds of stuff), I'd be much obliged.  Sorry to take up so much time, and
just so I don't feel like a jerkface, only posting a personal message...As
far as Bf5 becoming huge commercial successes, and having girls and cars
and money and everything else, I wish them the best, and hope that everyone
loves them.



Date: Sun, 20 Apr 1997 22:14:22 -0700
From: GoodOmen <>
Subject: Detroit Concert:)

I am so excited about the Detroit concert!!! The date is fast approaching and I get more 
and more anxious every day!  How many people from this list are going???  It seems like 
there are several, but I haven't kept track of it. Anyone meeting up 



Date: Sun, 20 Apr 1997 23:06:23 -0400
From: Carrie Shanafelt <>
Subject: ok, Lawrence show get-together??

I realize this is kind of last-minute, but...
If any of you going to the show Mon. night in Lawrence want to hook up, I
will be happy to be a gravitational point-- I am about 5'7", with a lot of
blond hair, and I will be wearing a brightly colored (yellow, red, black
and white polyester) Saturn bicycling jersey-- you won't be able to miss
me-- and hopefully wearing a nametag that says "CARRIE" on it... you know,
just to say hey or whatever, just thought it would be rather cool... just
come by and ask me who all I've hooked up with, and I'll point out the
other Armchair folks that have approached me-- maybe we'll chat or
whatever-- OK?  
If any of you get this, cool... if not, maybe you'll end up seeing a bunch
of geeks standing around chatting, looking semi-organized, maybe not. 
Whatever... (and ever amen)  Yours ecstatically, Carrie Shanafelt


Date: Sun, 20 Apr 1997 23:53:06 -0400 (EDT)
From: Mint-Chocolate <>
Subject: Crappy fakebooks, The only way to be accurate, Atlanta

Hi all,
	Hearing talk about the piano book being incomplete and, in some
places, overly complex or simplified doesn't surprise me at all.  Nearly
every popular music "fakebook" of any sort (including actual scores) I've
found to be full of errors.  Popular things that fakebook-transcribers
like to do is to have chord changes where the vocal harmonies temporarily 
suggest a different chord.  You can usually count these out by just
listening to the instruments and noticing that THEY don't change chords.
Another typical thing in piano scores is what was mentioned in the last
digest; They place the vocal line within the piano score, obviously
leaving out SOMETHING that was once there.  Intricate solos almost never
make it in.  The only solution I can suggest is to really work on the
intricate stuff by ear and worry less about the accuracy of the chord
voicings.  Missing bass parts:  Chances are he's doing just the root note
of the chord 1 and 2 octaves below the middle.  Anyway...
	What I WOULD like to happen is this: Sit Ben down in front of one
those midi-grand deals you see in the expensive music shops and pound out
the songs exactly how he would live.  Then have a computer spit out the
actual surely-horrific score.  I would just love to see it and maybe blow
it up and put it on my wall.  Maybe someday Sony can set him up with one
of those expensive monsters for a couple shows for this purpose.
	It looks like I will indeed be doing the trek from Gainesville to
Atlanta for the show on the 3rd.  It'll be sure strange to see them play
in the daytime, but that means more time for Atlanta fun afterwards.  Can
anyone suggest a nice, little, cheap place to eat somewhat near the show?

See you there (Otherwise you should be at the Popfest in Cambridge:)


Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 00:26:58 -0400
From: Thomas Tucker <delaware@MNSi.Net>
Subject: Ben Folds Five in DETROIT! 

Yah!  FIVE more days until Ben Folds Five Day in the Windsor/Detroit area!
Was wondering if the name-tag thing was going to be in effect for this show
like it was with a few of the others.  Heh....I'm willing to wear a name tag
saying "hello my name in Linda" - hell - why not eh?  Anyone else up to
this?  (Shannon?  Dean? )

more Brick stuff: I think the fact that the song is slow and sad-sounding
may                     have a HUGE difference on its depicted meaning.  My
                  is having someone who hasn't heard the song (poor soul), read
                  the lyrics after you've written them down on a piece of plain
                  paper...then seeing what THEY think??  Just a thought..perhaps
                  not a great one......I'm sure its crossed many a mind though!

Anyhow, back to studying!

cheers y'all!               --- > HELLO MY NAME IS < --- 
- -Linda Tucker                          LINDA
 Windsor, ON

ps: anyone want to sell their BFF piano score book? (ya right.."ha ha!" you say)


Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 00:29:22 -0400
From: Thomas Tucker <delaware@MNSi.Net>
Subject: Ben Folds Five in DETROIT! 

Yah!  FIVE more days until Ben Folds Five Day in the Windsor/Detroit area!
Was wondering if the name-tag thing was going to be in effect for this show
like it was with a few of the others.  Heh....I'm willing to wear a name tag
saying "hello my name in Linda" - hell - why not eh?  Anyone else up to
this?  (Shannon?  Dean? )

more Brick stuff: I think the fact that the song is slow and sad-sounding
may                     have a HUGE difference on its depicted meaning.  My
                  is having someone who hasn't heard the song (poor soul), read
                  the lyrics after you've written them down on a piece of plain
                  paper...then seeing what THEY think??  Just a thought..perhaps
                  not a great one......I'm sure its crossed many a mind though!

Anyhow, back to studying!

cheers y'all!               --- > HELLO MY NAME IS < --- 
- -Linda Tucker                          LINDA
 Windsor, ON

ps: anyone want to sell their BFF piano score book? (ya right.."ha ha!" you say)


Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 00:34:25 -0400
From: Thomas Tucker <delaware@MNSi.Net>
Subject: Ben Folds Five in DETROIT! 

Yah!  FIVE more days until Ben Folds Five Day in the Windsor/Detroit area!
Was wondering if the name-tag thing was going to be in effect for this show
like it was with a few of the others.  Heh....I'm willing to wear a name tag
saying "hello my name in Linda" - hell - why not eh?  Anyone else up to
this?  (Shannon?  Dean? )

more Brick stuff: I think the fact that the song is slow and sad-sounding
may                     have a HUGE difference on its depicted meaning.  My
                  is having someone who hasn't heard the song (poor soul), read
                  the lyrics after you've written them down on a piece of plain
                  paper...then seeing what THEY think??  Just a thought..perhaps
                  not a great one......I'm sure its crossed many a mind though!

Anyhow, back to studying!

cheers y'all!               --- > HELLO MY NAME IS < --- 
- -Linda Tucker                          LINDA
 Windsor, ON

ps: anyone want to sell their BFF piano score book? (ya right.."ha ha!" you say)


Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 01:10:56 -0400
From: Nick <>
Subject: Entertainment Weekly 

Hey guys. Idon't know if this had been posted or not but there is a small
article on Ben and the boys in Entertainment Weekly's March 21 issue on page
72 with the title "Sincere Rocker Ben Folds 'Whatever' Works". Ben discusses
his reasons for forming the band and why their music is the way it is (thank
GOD!!). One other thing that is mentioned is the answer to the theory of the
number Five in the name while there are only Three members. And the reason
is......"alitteration just sounds better." There it is from Bens mouth. So I
guess that kills all of our theories huh! Oh well I guess thats what we get
for reading to deeply into things. Anyone going to the Atlanta show make
sure to get in touch with me about what we are doing before or after the
show and what we will have to distinguish ourselves. Talk to you guys soon.



End of Magical Armchair Digest V1 #245

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