The Ben Folds Five Digest

Issue #289 - May 7, 1997

Magical Armchair Digest     Wednesday, May 7 1997     Volume 01 : Number 289

                           THE MAGICAL ARMCHAIR
                     The Ben Folds Five Mailing List


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       replying. Edit your quote to only the line or lines you are
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     * Please keep non-Ben Folds Five content to a minimum. Members who
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     * Before posting questions of a general nature (e.g., "Anyone have
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       Web resources available.

Topics in this issue:

	120 reruns?
	few tidbits..... 
	Potty Mouth video promo
	120 minutes request
	Music Midtown Festival
	atlanta show 
	Five items 
	the promo vid and dresses
	unsubscribing crap
	BF5 & Barenaked Ladies..yuck!  Atlanta show great....
	hi goeffery and big boy
	Lost Reply 


Date: Mon, 05 May 1997 21:14:53 -0400 (EDT)
From: Jason Martin <>
Subject: Pinfield

> I just watched 120 Minutes (I taped it because I didn't get in until late).
>  Did they seem a little uncomfortable to anyone else?  I never really thought
> that Matt Pinfield was a very good interviewer, and my opinion seemed to be
> verified by this show.  I had never seen any video besides tBoWCCL, so seeing
> Uncle Walter was a pleasant surprise.

> Atropos

Atropos & others:

Yeah I think that Pinfield guy lacks something on the interviewing side.
He's such a kiss-ass to all the 'big' names (especially the f***kin'
Smashing Pumpkins!).  Did anyone catch when Jimmy Pop Ali from the
Bloodhound Gang was on there?  All he did was rip on the Pumpkins.
Pinfield couldn't handle it and went to commercial.  

I laughed to no end when Pinhead asked Ben this stupid question:

"So, let's talk about the lyrics some.  You talk about someone with an id
dressed up like the Cure.  Do a lot of people have that?" (paraphrasing)

Ben made some attempt at a reply then made a hilarious face like 'get a
load of this guy!'

All right.  See all you Ironcitiers in Pittsburgh,



Date: Mon, 05 May 1997 21:19:53 -0400
From: Evan Chakroff <>
Subject: 120 reruns?

hey, anyone know if MTV reruns 120 minutes (I figure they do, they re-run
everything else...) 

anyway, do they? if not then... well.... I don't want a tape just for the
two videos and one interview..... well... nevermind then.

- -ec


Date: Mon, 5 May 1997 22:02:53 -0400
From: (Andrea Merrifield)
Subject: few tidbits..... 

hey there....
                i'd just like to put in a good word for matt pinfield.
you've gotta admit the man knows his shit when it comes to music , and
frankly i worship him daily....... also , my sister's b-day is just around
the corner (the 13th) and since i have no cash i am looking for cardigans
boots , i haven't got ALOT in the way of trades , but i've got a couple
good tapes and i can send tapes/cash er something. um ...... any bis fans
out there? , mail me privately...
        WOW this post has absolutely nothing to do w/ ben folds five and
yet it was still prolly more entertaining than another "brick" decoding
session (*HINT* *HINT*).... damn i'm evil tonite...... be happy....

"this is funded my a major
 but shabbily packaged to pretend that it's cool"


Date: Mon, 05 May 1997 22:27:05 +0000
From: Patrick and Caroline Mrizek <>
Subject: Potty Mouth video promo

... did anyone else at the Atlanta show pick up the Potty Mouth
(Video Portrait), which was free at the Blockbuster booth (where the
signing took place) with the purchase of Whatever...?  So now I own two
copies of the new cd, big deal.
   Mr. Frank Maynard, could you e-mail me personally?  I have a
non-listy thing to talk to you about...


Date: Mon, 5 May 1997 21:25:06 -0500 (EST)
From: Fay Wray <>
Subject: 120 minutes request

did anyone happen to tape ben and company whilst they were on 120 minutes?
if so, does anyone wasnt to send it to me? ill be nice and pay for it, or 
even send other stuff to you... please reply to me personally if anyone 
wants to play my game.

		             . o 0 (.) 0 o .
               "Don't want to be known as the freak who just 
		      comes around to catch your eye."
			   Sara Kathleen Smith


Date: Mon,  5 May 97 22:33:33 PDT
From: evlbison <>

As a native of DEVO's home town (Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio) I'd 
like to say that Komeda has NOTHING in common with DEVO. I 
loked Komeda, they had a They Might Be Giants meets Mono 
Puff kinda sound. I also like Devo (not just Whip It). Mark 
Mothersbaugh is one of the coolest people on earth. 

"Speak softly, drive a Sherman tank"
~They Might Be Giants - Everything thats right is wrong 

"On the run from Johnny Law... Ain't no trip to Cleveland"
~Dignan - Bottle Rocket~

"He was thrown head over heels into the traffic coming on, 
but then all is fair in love"
~Ben Folds Five~

"Good... Bad... I'm the guy with the gun.
~Ash - Army of Darkenss~


Date: Mon, 05 May 1997 22:42:50 -0400
From: Burton Posey <>
Subject: Music Midtown Festival

I attended the Music Midtown Festival this past weekend so that I could
partake in the greatness that is Ben Folds Five. I got a chance to talk
with him and he told me that BFF would be stopping around Atlanta around
September. They did a cover on that Flaming Lips song(can't think of the
name). Hey Nick, I saw you and your sign, I was to the left of you. Just
joined the MA though. That sign was pretty cool. I'll put my pics up when I
get them. I got them to sign my box 'o' popcorn. Anyway, though the Midtown
Music Festival had 130 bands, BFF was the best. I anyone has any BFF
bootleg info they could share with me, I would appreciate it. Later,



Date: Mon, 5 May 1997 23:19:42 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: atlanta show 

The atlanta show was pretty good.  i got right up front against the stage, in
front of Robert.  They only got to play for an hour, and the crowd wasn't so
kind at times(throwing shit), one guy behind me said "why doesn't this
asshole just play an electric piano?"  and some girl, I don't know if she is
in the armchair or not, jumped all over him.  Also some girls behind me sang
the whole time, which is pretty annoying, but they were real nice and seemed
to be big fans like myself.  It is amazing to see how overjoyed a crowd gets
when a group curses or says something about weed or beer.  "Ultimate
Sacrifice" was fuggin hilarious.  I think some of the kiddies in the crowd
didn't get it, but then again,it wasn't Silverchair so what do you expect.  I
got to meet the guys who were really nice and take pictures with them.  They
signed the Cd cover, the cd and their video.  Hopefully, they will come back
and play at either the Point, or hopefully the Roxy.


Date: Tue, 6 May 1997 00:31:11 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Five items 

 BENNIES:  I'm surprised nobody's mentioned that this is reminiscent of 
Elton John's "Bennie & the Jets" (which, coincidentally, my band plays).  
Maybe I'm just the only one here old enough to remember. :-)

- - - - - -
 FIVERS VS. ARMCHAIRITES:  I can see a use for BOTH names.  We need a 
term to describe Ben Folds Five fans in general vs. those who are 
subscribers to the Armchair.  Not every Fiver is gonna be an Armchairite.

- - - - - -

>No offense Frank, but PLEASE drop MajorDomo. It's getting old. 
>...all these newbies and lame re-posters are driving me NUTS!!!!

Would you all quit calling for Frank to bring back the old list?  I think 
it's really inconsiderate how so many people are demanding that Frank 
ditch majordomo without giving any thought to the fact that dumping 
majordomo would mean that Frank would have to go back to PRODUCING THE 
ARMCHAIR BY HAND.  Just think, if receiving a couple of extra mails is 
inconvenient for YOU, imagine how inconvenient it would be for Frank to 
manually produce the Armchair EVERY DAY!

- - - - - -
 BUS STOP: Somebody suggested that BF5 cover Bus Stop by the Hollies.  
What if they did that, and then segued into Bus Stop by Bus Stop (Chuck 
Folds' band, Ben's brother)?  And then they could launch into Jackson 
Cannery, whose first words are "Stop the bus!"

- - - - - -
 MY BAND: The club my band played at last night failed to list us in 
their newspaper ad this week, and when we showed up, there was nobody 
there (like three people!).  It was actually good in a way, because it 
showed us that people who came to our advertised shows were really coming 
to see us, not that they were just there anyway.  Okay, getting back to 
something semi-BF5-related, because there were so few people there last 
night, we screwed around and broke our genre and played "Philosophy".  
And finally, we're gonna have our first gig at the Electric Lounge soon, 
so I'll get to play on the same stage that BF5 played on.  Yay!

- -- Michael Bluejay  (Austin, TX)

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
|         | If adding me to your address book,        |
|                           | please use this address.                  |
|                           |   IN AUSTIN, VEGETARIAN pages, & more     |
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------


Date: Tue, 6 May 1997 00:51:20 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: videos

Does anyone know why Julie Hermelin is not directing BFF videos anymore? =
video for "Uncle Walter" is a little on the Weird Al side, but it has mor=
energy than the current clip for BoWCCL (hate to say it, but that back
projection gimmick gets tired awfully quickly)


Date: Mon, 5 May 1997 22:50:44 +0000
From: "Arnold S. Rowe" <>
Subject: the promo vid and dresses

hey there fivers/armchairiens!

first off-- can anyone who has the promo video that came with the CD 
at Tower Records figure out what the heck Robert says when Ben is 
talking and the camera swings to Robert sitting on the doorstep of 
their house? he asys something that sounds like "the digester processer is a 
marvelous thing!" and then tha camera swings back to Ben who says 
"did you see the devil in the door?" i must have played that part a 
million times trying to figure out what is going in; any 
interpretation would be appreciated. thanks. (hmmm. maybe i've 
started another 'Brick' debate here... What does Robert *really* mean 
when he says..... ah! ;)

for those of you who saw 120 Minutes Sunday-- did you catch a glimpse
of  BD&R in dresses in the Uncle Walter Video? i love these guys!

Ado, Ado,

P.S. doesn't it just break your little heart when those unsubscribe 
messages appear on the MA? it must be cutting five minutes off my life 
each time i see one.


Date: Mon, 05 May 1997 23:43:06 EDT 
From: (Sandi Shorter)
Subject: unsubscribing crap

and one more thing: about this "I'm unsubscribing" crap...we don't really
care.  Please don't post notes saying "it's been fun, but I'm
unsubscribing because..." or whatever...we could care less.  Sorry to see
some fans leave, but I don't really think it affects (or would it be
effects?? any English majors out there?) any of us directly.  I think
it's rude to keep making comments about how Majordomo sucks.  Sure, it's
not as cool as it used to be, but then again, it's easier and faster. 
Frank did a GREAT job, but I'm sure it was a lot of work **right
Frank...come on, back me up on this one!** and it's really not fair to
ask him to go back to doing it that way.  Hell, I just got home from
Atlanta, was gone for 4 days and came home to tons of Armchairs...and I
didn't gripe!  There's my bitch for the hour...sorry about that.


"get born.  keep warm.  short pants.  romance."  -Dylan
Where we discuss the Wallflowers, BF5, strange dreams, & things that piss
us off!
Check it out!       


Date: Mon, 05 May 1997 23:43:06 EDT 
From: (Sandi Shorter)
Subject: BF5 & Barenaked Ladies..yuck!  Atlanta show great....

Okay, about the great show=Barenaked Ladies and BF5 comment...NO WAY! 
Been there, done that.  Went to the Atlanta Music Midtown festival (from
Cleveland..what a trip) and the Barenaked Ladies played after BF5 and I
thought they were horrible.  BF5 should have played for 2 hours, bumping
BL altogether, but that's just my opinion and considering how little
sleep I've gotten these past few days, i would have to say that my
opinion is probably not up to par...

At any rate, just got home from Atlanta....the show Saturday was
wonderful, but since there have been so many reviews of it I won't repeat
details.  Sorry for not meeting up with you Armchair people...we were all
supposed to meet at noon, but I didn't make it in from Memphis (was there
Fri. to see Dylan) until 1:30 and nobody was in front of the Cotton Club
anymore....*not that I expected you to wait that long!*  At any rate, I'm
assuming you guys were the ones with the sign right?  Or you were all in
that area?  I was the girl on the left hand side of the stage who got up
on some guy's shoulders for 3 different songs and took pictures.  *I was
surprised to see only 1 other person get up on someone's shoulders during
the entire show.*  If anyone's interested in copies, e-mail me and I'll
let you know if they turn out okay, etc.  GREAT, GREAT show!

And Doug, if you really do read these Armchairs like you said you do: 
hello...I'll pay in pennies next time...thanks for re-introducing me to
Darren in Atlanta...and be careful out in Japan.  


"get born.  keep warm.  short pants.  romance."  -Dylan
Where we discuss the Wallflowers, BF5, strange dreams, & things that piss
us off!
Check it out!       


Date: Tue, 6 May 1997 03:16:06 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: remove 

please remove me from your mailing list


Date: Tue, 06 May 1997 19:49:33 +1000
Subject: hi goeffery and big boy

would you please be able to do me a favour and unsubcribe me from this
list.   thanking all of you wonderful and wonderful people out there and
god loves you all

"john  3:17"

"god is lord, god is savour"   -   peter

"you are all my children"  -   god


Date: Tue, 6 May 1997 09:02:52 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Lost Reply 

I posted last night about BFF on 120 Minutes. I got two people asking me for
copies of the tape.  I got a chance to reply to one, but I accidentaly
deleted the other one.  I think it was Ben256 or something like that.  If
you're reading this, e-mail me again.  I HATE AOL!  I'm willing to send you a
copy (or trade for a copy of something else), so let me know where you live
so I can figure out postage and other nonsense.



End of Magical Armchair Digest V1 #289

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