The Ben Folds Five Digest

Issue #506 - October 2, 1997

Magical Armchair Digest   Thursday, October 2 1997   Volume 01 : Number 506

                          THE MAGICAL ARMCHAIR
                    The Ben Folds Five Mailing List

   Send an e-mail message to with
the word 'unsubscribe' (without the quotes) in the message body. Please DO
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WHEN REPLYING: Please change the subject of your reply to something
pertinent to the message. Don't leave it as "Magical Armchair Digest,
V1 #xxx" unless your mail client won't allow you to change it.

   Yes, unfortunately, once in a while someone will get subscribed to
the list and post something intended to annoy all of us.  When that
happens, please just ignore it and let the moderator handle it behind the
scenes. Usually the instigator is lonely and looking for a little
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the list.


    Elton`s Songs
    The Great Darren Jessee
    Dancing with myself...
    Mix Tape's A Masterpiece 
    BFF dream 
    Non Lita Ford related...
    Pluvius Once Again Annoys Me!
    Re: Magical Armchair Digest V1 #503
    Re: Magical Armchair Digest V1 #499 
    Re: Boston show part 2 
    Re: BOSTON DATE!!!! 
    Ben Folds Desktop Theme!!!
    Canberra gig 
    Bloomington Venue?


Date: Wed, 1 Oct 1997 14:24:39 +0000
From: "B.D.WATTS" <>
Subject: Elton`s Songs

Perhaps the boys could cover Im Still Standing or Candle in The Wind 
(wait Elton's covered that himself the selfish bitch.)
Go get five and fold


Date: 1 Oct 1997 09:26:16 -0400
From: "Ben Kamen" <>
Subject: The Great Darren Jessee

                      The Great Darren Jessee                      10/1/97

Yes, Darren is a pretty cool guy.  I saw BFF at HORDE in Colombus last summer,
and I had the fortunate opportunity to hang out with Darren for a good 45
minutes or so.  I was very impressed with how nice he was.  He told me that
Radiohead (a great band, i might add) had asked BFF to tour with them, but
they had already commited to HORDE.  Anyways, he was a really nice guy, and I
hope that everyone gets a chance to talk to him or the other guys at some
point.   It was probably the single coolest thing that has ever happened to
- -------------------><--------------------
"the kindest truths are often spoke, and never heard.........."


Date: Wed, 1 Oct 1997 09:37:04 -0400
From: "Faix, Andrew" <>
Subject: Dancing with myself...

Hey Kids,

My input on moshing:

I'm all for it.  I think its fun and a great release.  I've been moshing
at shows for the last 6 years and I hope I continue to have the
opportunity to do so.

HOWEVER.....there are certain bands that you just don't mosh to.
Example: Ben Folds Five

For all of you lacing up your combat boots getting ready for the BF5 US
Fall tour, please put them back in your closet and wait until Metallica,
Marilyn Manson, or Rage Against the Machine comes through your town.
Not to speak on everyone's behalf, but I would surmise that the majority
of people that go to see Ben and the boys live are there to see them,
listen to the music, sing along, and bounce up and down a bit during
Kate (at least that's what I do).  I for one would be very disappointed
to be caught up in a slam dance during Missing the War.

I saw BNL about a year ago, and some schmucks actually started moshing!
The band stopped in the middle of their song and just ripped into them
(not scolding, more like pointing out the idiots in the crowd).

You know, I'm also a big Roackabilly fan, and a decent swing dancer.
However, I don't do the sort of thing at a BEN FOLDS FIVE SHOW!!!!

I don't mean to upset any of you hard-ballers out there, just PLEASE
PLEASE PLEASE refrain from moshing at the shows.

Everyone is entitled to my opinion.
- -Andrew (


Date: Wed, 1 Oct 1997 09:49:44 -0400
From: (Chris Van Valen)
Subject: Mix Tape's A Masterpiece 

Hi all

A few weeks ago I posted regarding the Mini-LP "Mix Tape's A Masterpiece"
and someone on the list e-mailed me asking if I found another one to pick
it up for him. I lost your e-mail address, so please e-mail me again as I
did get another copy. Please don't try to get it if it wasn't you, because
I know the name...


If you have an unpleasant nature and dislike people
this is no obstacle to work. -- J.G. Bennett

Catch "Forever Knight" on the Sci-Fi Channel every
Mon-Thurs at 9PM and 1AM EDT. -- Lucien LaCroix


Date: Wed, 1 Oct 1997 10:03:39 -0400
From: (Howie Stuart)
Subject: BFF dream 

There was an ongoing thing a few months ago of people posting their
BFF-related dreams.  Seeing Michael Bluejay's recent posts 
reminded me of this old thread (he was the first, I believe), and
I remembered that I'd had a BFF dream a few weeks ago.  In the dream
I was attending an outdoor BFF show.  There were 3 or 4 opening bands,
and during these opening sets there was an autograph booth set up
for fans to meet Ben, Robert, and Darren.  There was a long line at
the booth, and while standing on it I realized I didn't have anything
for them to sign.  I recalled seeing a bunch of posters hanging 
near the entrance to the venue and figured I could rip one down and
have them sign it and it would make a perfect momento.  So I ran
off to find the posters and the dream then evolved into one of
these frustration dreams where you're looking around all over the
place for something and can't find it.  At some point during this
process I realized I was dreaming.  Now, normally when this happens
to me I am very happy (there are all sorts of interesting things 
you can do if you become aware of your dream-state in your dream),
but this time I was disapointed, because I realized I would probably
wake up before they went onstage, and I would miss the show!  Well,
I figured I'd just go back to the booth and cut into the front of
the line and say hello (this was _my_ dream after all), but when
I got there they were tearing the booth down and the band was nowhere
to be found.  I saw someone who I thought might be Kate, and I was
going to ask her where the band went, but then I woke up.

Oh well, if I can't even manage to see a BFF show in my dreams,
I suppose there's no hope of them ever coming to Rochester.



Date: Wed, 01 Oct 1997 10:04:52 -0400
From: Anne_Lyons@BayNetworks.COM (Anne Lyons)
Subject: Non Lita Ford related...

Hello the 'Chair!

Just wanted to post a few things...

1.) I just got a new job (not that you care) but it means that I will be
receiving/posting from a different address... so don't get confused -- I'm
still me (at least I think I am).

2.) There've been a couple of different people asking for band name
suggestions... so I thought I would mention some cool web sites to visit
that help you name your band...

*Random Band Name Generators*

The Band-O-Matic
This one is pretty cool -- I tried it out and got "Sex Trance" = )

*Lists of Original Band Names*

The List of Possible Band Names
Great list of band names... from "$500 Reward" to "Zymotics, The"
The Swarming Midget Band Name Archive
These guys even created a hierarchy of band names... you can check out
collections of
Political Band Names, Edible Band Names, Diseased Band Names and more!

*Archives of Band Names in Use*

Internet Band Register
I couldn't get through -- but this is supposed to be a place where you can
search a database to find out if your proposed band name is already taken
The Rubber Band
This site is dedicated to the etymology of band names... and yup -- I
checked out the B's and found: Ben Folds Five -- This three piece chose
this misleading name because its aliteration sounded better than Ben Folds
Three. Submitted by David Fussell - Date of
inclusion: 05.23.97

3.) Yes, I do know this post has very little Ben-content... but I figured
it is at least music related (and hey -- BFF *was* listed on the Rubber
Band...). Besides... isn't this list supposed to be fun or something? = )
OK, OK... I know, I know... just to make sure I'm not content-free... 

Ben rocks me right down to a nub, Darren is truly a deity on drums and
Robert is the potentate of bass...

Have a great day!

- -Anne


Date: Wed, 1 Oct 1997 07:34:14 -0700
From: "Kamp, Marcus S" <>
Subject: Pluvius Once Again Annoys Me!

<<IF *ANYONE* kicked me in the head while crowd surfing, if they were
male, I
would give them a good shot in the nuts.>>	

And if you were a man you'd know never, ever, to even joke about kicking
someone in the nuts.  Anyone who crowd surfs @ a BFF show is most
annoying.  Some of us go to hear the music + see the band.  You oughtta
try it-you probably won't get kicked in the head while enjoying the show
that way!


Date: Thu, 2 Oct 1997 00:35:26 +1000
From: "Cairns Family" <>

Hey All!,

Please Armchair, HELP ME!  I have a serious problem.  See, my stupid friend
was ment to go and get us tickets for POW on Saturday, but forgot!  He
finally got off his arse and went to get the tickets yesterday, THEY WERE
ALL SOLD OUT!!!!!!!!  Believe me, the stupid friend is getting severe
silent treatment and will nver be forgiven for this unthinkable act!

If anyone has a spare ticket for the Prince of Wales on Friday night PLEASE
E-MAIL ME!!!  One ticket would be amazing, two would be a miracle (I really
wanted to take my brother for his birthday as he was working last Friday
night).  I know this is a tall order and I know it is short notice but

I will pay top dollar for these tickets, of course!

Thanks for listening.  It will be the worst fun on Friday night to sit at
home with only my CD's to comfort me.

Cheers, Janelle
I poured my heart out. It evapourated......see?


Date: Wed, 01 Oct 1997 10:06:57 +0100
From: Cristan Arena <CM_ARENA@ACAD.FANDM.EDU>
Subject: Re: Magical Armchair Digest V1 #503



Date: Wed, 1 Oct 1997 11:37:45 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Magical Armchair Digest V1 #499 



Date: Wed, 1 Oct 1997 11:38:11 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Boston show part 2 

Hello everyone,

	Whoops, after I sent the first post I re-read Lou's Statement and I think he
meant to say that the tickets go on sale this friday, the 3rd of Oct.

	Hope so.

Later All,



Date: Wed, 1 Oct 1997 11:40:08 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: BOSTON DATE!!!! 

HEHEHEEEEE HOOOHOOOOO (Sorry,I am so excited right now),

	BFF plays the Roxy!!! Thanks to everyone who e-mailed me about getting a
caravan going to Ithaca, if anyone still has plans to go..e- mail me
privately, I have some phone numbers and a contact who has been kind enough
to help us out

	Lou Papineau, the person who posted the message about the Boston show, is
the President of the Roxy nightclub..and although the show is not posted yet
on their announcer we can be pretty sure it is gonna' happen like he said.
	A big THANK YOU to Lou for the "heads up" about the show!!

	I guess I'll see all you New Englanders at the show..WOOOOO WOOOOO!!



" could hear a pin drop on the carpet floor, everyone's pretending not
to hear them knocking at the door..."


Date: Wed, 1 Oct 1997 11:59:01 -0400
From: "Bob Carmody" <>
Subject: Ben Folds Desktop Theme!!!

I've just released a Ben Folds Five Desktop Theme for Windows 95/NT. It's

Let me know how you like it! I'm sort of a newbie to Ben, but I think you'll
like the theme.

Get it at:

Get Down!


Bob Carmody
Visit Another Green World:
ICQ Number: 1007516
   "So stupendous, living in this tube" - Phish 10/22/96 Hampton VA


Date: Thu, 2 Oct 1997 02:35:23 +1000
From: Liz <>
Subject: Canberra gig 

Okay, I just got back from the BFF Canberra gig and wanted to write this now otherwise I never will :-)  Apologies in advance for any incoherent ramblings, but it is 2.30am and I have to get up in 4 hours .... Oh - and I haven't read any of the other Aust
ralian reviews - so sorry if this is repetitive.  

Anyway - what a fantastic night out!  Their sound live was *amazing*.  The depth of sound that a 3 piece can achieve never ceases to amaze me - and BFF were no exception.  I'm still reeling from the piano .... what a rush!!

To begin with the beginning .... I was really surprised that they opened their set with 'Missing The War' - I don't know if that was supposed to break the crowd in gently after Cordrazine's more mellow set (?) but it seemed somewhat out of place as opener
, and you could see the crowd just hanging out for something more upbeat.    

'Kate'  was the second song, and kickstarted the crowd a little more, and 'Philosophy' (3rd track) was really well received.  It wasn't until 'Battle of Who Could Care Less' (a couple of songs later) that the crowd really came alive and started a mosh.  J
ust an observation - it seemed a lot of the crowd were somewhat restless during the slower songs, and really only liked the faster songs with lots of piano 'twiddly bits' (that's a technical term ....).  Probably a reflection that a lot of the crowd reall
y only knew the songs that had received airplay - although 'Song For The Dumped' which I haven't heard on radio (bar the live interview version on JJJ) got a rousing reception from the opening bars!  

Basically most of the songs off both albums were covered.  In no particular order, album tracks that were played were: Missing The War, Kate, Philosophy, Fair, One Angry Dwarf, Sports and Wine, Jackson Cannery, Steven's Last Night In Town, Selfless Cold a
nd Composed, Underground, Julianne, Uncle Walter, Best Imitation of Myself, Song For The Dumped, Battle of Who Could Care Less, Boxing and The Last Polka.  

'Julianne' was a big hit of the night, as was 'Underground'.  I had wondered how they were going to introduce the latter - and they 'eased' into it really well through an instrumental with Darren up at the mike talking about hot tubs!   Speaking of Darren
, I thought he did an amazing job with 'back up' vocals and would love to hear him sing more!  

I couldn't actually see a great deal of the stage (oh to be 6 feet tall ....) but from what I could see they all looked like they were having such fun - especially Ben.  Robert did most of the 'rapport' with the crowd, failing miserably at one stage to ma
ke any sense, much to Ben's great amusement.  He (Robert) was saying how much Canberra reminded him of Canada?  Go figure.  He couldn't explain it either.  Everyone really appreciated Robert's G'Day (said in an excellent Australian accent) when they first
 came on stage.  

'Steven's Last Night in Town' was one of my faves of the night, with Ben up playing the 'hooter' or something which just cracked me up.  Their version of Hank William's 'Cheatin' Heart' was also priceless!  

They played around a lot with a number of songs mainly through additional instrumentals, particularly in 'Philosophy' and 'Song For The Dumped'.  And they seemed to thrive on adding even more pronounced pauses in the songs - which certainly got them more 
applause as people kept thinking the songs had finished when they hadn't!!  We also got a really long version of 'Theme from Dr Pyser' (with an added 'Shit!' from Ben when he completely stuffed the intro!) with another instrumental added on (sorry - don't
 know what).  

Encore we got 'Boxing' and 'Uncle Walter' (I think).  

The set plus encore lasted around one hour and 20 minutes which was amazing in itself.  I'm so used to 50 minute sets these days - I was really impressed with the length of the gig.  Overall I was really impressed with the show.  I was blown away complete
ly by the piano and the vocals.  There's something about hearing and seeing the piano live - the brilliance of it just hits you straight in the face.  Ben's voice was also extremely strong and really amazing (more so than on cd) - and same with vocals fro
m Darren and Robert.  All up the sound was incredibly tight and they all looked to be having a blast.

Overall a fabulous night.  Sorry so long - told you I would ramble!  

Going to sleep now ..... with visions of pianos dancing in my head :-)



Date: Wed, 1 Oct 1997 13:25:32 -0400 (EDT)
From: Patrick J McDonough <>
Subject: Bloomington Venue?

OKay kids.  I am going to have a hell of a time bringing the boys cookies
on this go-around.  I also have a great picture of Ben dancing with his
pants around his ankles (the boxers remained in place) at Lupo's in
Providence from May that Kate may enjoy...
	I travel a lot in my job, and while I would normally see them in
NC, I have commitments keeping me from CHarlotte, and perhaps from
Raleigh.  My best shot is on the road in Bloomington.  So, does anyone
have info on the venue (Frank?)...If so, who wants to go to Bloomington in
a haze of armchair fever?  

\\  Patrick J. McDonough	Email:	  \\
 \\ WFU Admissions Counselor 	Phone: (910)758-4929	   \\
  \\Wake Forest University '97	                            \\


End of Magical Armchair Digest V1 #506

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