The Ben Folds Five Digest

Issue #579 - November 2, 1997

Magical Armchair Digest    Sunday, November 2 1997    Volume 01 : Number 579

                          THE MAGICAL ARMCHAIR
                    The Ben Folds Five Mailing List

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    sessions screensaver 
    Does anyone have #1?
    Hey Monkey don't you wanna be needed? 
    BFF concert
    raves, rants, and the rest.. 


Date: Sat, 1 Nov 1997 09:00:55 -0500 (EST)
Subject: sessions screensaver 

     I've been to the Sessions @ West 54th website a few times and I've
noticed that they always have a screensaver you can download.  It features
the artists who will be on Sessions that week.  It hasn't been updated
lately, but you could always check next week for BFF (and beck)... should take you there.  
     Also, anyone thinking of renting Mr. Wrong to see if they play Song for
the Dumped...don't.  Because they don't play it, and the movie is just
really, really bad.



Date: Sat, 1 Nov 1997 12:58:02 -0800
From: (a person ON line) 
Subject: Does anyone have #1?

Does anyone have the VERY first post for this list? if you do can you
please send it to
"The cruelest lies are often told without a word... the kindest truths
are often spoken but never heard- Ben Folds


Date: Sat, 1 Nov 1997 13:29:57 -0600 (CST)
From: Ghost in the Machine 
Subject: Test...

Just wanting to see if I have the address correct, sorry for wasting your

By the Grace of God Go I,
Steve K.

:)#=> :)#=> :)#=> :)#=> :)#=> :)#=> :)#=> :)#=> :)#=> :)#=> :)#=> :)#=>

Steve Kristoff
ICQ UIN:681494 
Owner CSL Detroit Lions  CSL http:
Junior Mass Communications Major   |  Captain and Midfielder
University of Evansville           |  Schroeder Hall Penguins
Schroeder Hall 121                 |  1 Goal, 2 Assists, 2 Games
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I... took the one less traveled by, and
that has made all the difference.
                              - Robert Frost "The Road Not Taken"           
It is not the fall that kills you, % "It seems it's always the crazy times
it the sudden stop at the end.     % You find you'll wake up and realize
 - D. Adams                        % It takes more than saline eyes
                                   % To make things right." -Jars of Clay


Date: Sat, 1 Nov 1997 16:57:53 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Hey Monkey don't you wanna be needed? 

Dear Fivers,

I am so disapointed with the digest lately.  I got like, 8 digests in three
days full of crap.  It was mainly yelling at Pluvis and stuff that just
wasn't valid. Can we please keep this to a minimum?  I don't have time to
read all of that shit.  I couldn't check my mail all week because I had to do
stuff concering my friend whose mother has just died of a heart attack that
lasted all week.  She was braindead for 4 days until she finally passed away.
 I would appreciate if you kept my friend Taylor Cleveland( and his sister
Kate) in your thoughts and prayers, he's not doing very well.  He's only 15
and his sister is 13.  
  I was very happy that someone wrote of the Birmingham concert and stuff
like that. It was great fun finding a nice post in the sea of total crap that
I had to flip through.  My friends had a great time at B-ham and got to meet
them. They promised me some snapshots of the guys and they said that they
might come to Jackson :)
  I got Recovering the Satellites when it came out about a year ago and my
favorite song was Monkey.  I guess I just missed the lyrics "got nowhere but
home to go, got ben folds on my radio right now" because I hadn't even heard
of Ben until a couple of months ago.  I just grabbed my lyric book from the
cd and was very happy to see that. It's just great.  

Hey Monkey, where you been?
This lonely spiral I've been in
Hey monkey, where can we begin?
Hey monkey where you been?


Date: Sat, 01 Nov 1997 15:34:51 -0600
From: Pluvius Dope 
Subject: Questions

I have some questions for the group regarding the Cornell(Ithaca) show:

How far of a drive is it from Cornell to Manhattan

Is the show all ages?

Are there tickets still available?


Pluvius Dope


Date: Sat, 01 Nov 1997 15:37:41 -0600
From: Pluvius Dope 
Subject: Mood

As long as I am in a peaceable mood, I have even more nuggets to contribute:

I think the song "What A Night" would be a great BFF cover.

Speaking of that, does anyone know who sings that song??

(I think the boys would do a kick ass cover of "Boom Boom Boom" by John Lee

Pluvius Dope


Date: Fri, 31 Oct 1997 11:45:26 -0600 (CST)
From: Mark 
Subject: BFF concert

I went to the rocking-est concert last night in Chicago at the Vic
Theatre!!!  I had a really interesting experience, however.  This was my
first concert and I had tried all day yersterday to get tickets but couldn't
find an open TicketMaster.  SO my friends (who already had tix) said it
would be no problem--I could get them at the door.  Got to the theatre and
there was a huge sign:"Ben Folds Five--SOLD OUT".  SO I'm totally pissed but
decided to find a scalper.  Not three seconds later some guy came up to me
and asked me if I need a ticket and told me I could have it for free!  On
top of that, I ended up in the second row, after the two opening acts AND my
friend got the playlist!  SO, thanks bunches to whomever was the Happy
Ticket Bearer!

On top of ALLLLL that cool stuff, BEN FOLDS ROCKED MY WORLD!!!!!  They
played every track from "W and E, A", except for Cigarette and Evaporated
(much to my dismay) and several great tracks from the other albums including
My Philosophy, Jackson Cannery, Julie anne, and a few others that I was less
familiar with.  Funny anecdote:  During Brick, Ben  sang the wrong lyrics in
the second verse!  "Cant you see, it's not me..." instead was "And
we...(sheepish smile)'s not me...".  He apologized and said that the
only reason he commented on it (and the the feedback that occurred
temporarily) was because he felt so comfortable with us.  We really were a
great crowd--as most Chicago crowds are!  The whole set was oozing energy
from the stage and the audience!  It was magnificent.  One complaint:  For
the first half, the bass was almost twice as loud as the piano which
constituted some distorted melody.  Another complaint:  THE GUY BEHIND ME
WOULDN'T SHUT UP!!!!  AND HE HAD A TERRIBLE VOICE!!!!  You win some, you
lose some, I guess.  

Did anyone else go ?  Write me at and we dish about the


Date: Sat, 1 Nov 1997 18:25:05 -0500 (EST)
Subject: raves, rants, and the rest.. 

Hello all,

	So I was walking through my neighborhood grocery store today and what do I
hear over the store speakers????   BRICK!!!  I'm sure half the store though I
was crazy as I did my shopping singing along, but "whatever"...( I know, not
much substance to the beginning of my post, just felt like sharin')
	Thus begins the "rant"....What's up with BFF deciding to ban audience
recording at their concerts?? I've heard it from three separate
sources......say it ain't so!! BFF has seemed to always be so open and
supportive of fans taping shows, why just a couple months ago their
management was asking for DATs of any HORDE shows for possible use and now
they've switched positions?? 
	2nd) I feel for all you "jr." BFF fans who can't get into your respective
clubs across the country. There should be a way for all of you to see the
shows without the club owners panicking about possibe alcohol consumption by
minors. Hope you get to see them in a club setting before they become too
"big and important" and only play the arenas.
	3rd) Have any of you been experiencing the weird armchair numeric orders in
your mailbox??....happens just about every day to me (today the issues i
received were #555, 576,577, and 572)  it makes for interesting reading.

later collective,


"..Oh what fun, I can't wait till the future gets here.." 

3 days till Boston!!


End of Magical Armchair Digest V1 #579

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