The Ben Folds Five Digest

Issue #643 - November 23, 1997

Magical Armchair Digest   Sunday, November 23 1997   Volume 01 : Number 643

                          THE MAGICAL ARMCHAIR
                    The Ben Folds Five Mailing List

   Send an e-mail message to with
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    Fwd: [JBEL] ben folds five ... NO JB 
    sell some shit i got 
    Flaming lips cover 
    minneapolis, interview w/ darren & robert, wanna tape?
    "Kate" single
    random thoughts...
    break-up bands
    end of philosophy...
    Gifts, not Shit
    Pop-up Video 
    Solo project


Date: Sat, 22 Nov 1997 10:59:47 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Fwd: [JBEL] ben folds five ... NO JB 

- ---------------------
Forwarded message:
From:	9606545x@MAGPIE.MAGILL.UNISA.EDU.AU (Ange)
To: (Jeff Buckley)
Date: 97-11-22 07:38:30 EST

Date: Tue, 18 Nov 1997 19:38:59 -0500 (EST)
To: undisclosed-recipients:  ;
Subject: Wiretap Weekly 11/18/97


  Live online concert broadcast
  Sunday, November 30th 11:00PM (EST)

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JBEL Admin Dude			Marcus 
A Mailing list to discuss the music and man - Jeff Buckley


Date: Sat, 22 Nov 1997 11:00:07 -0500 (EST)
Subject: sell some shit i got 

hiya guys! thanks to everyone who has responded to my last post about the
line in brick. i'm sorry--i know the line is 'sell some gifts i got' not shit
i got, but when i was typing my post, i was listening to a live version of
the song that says shit instead of gifts...he does trhat a lot of times in
concert. anyways, thanks to everyone! --jess


Date: Sat, 22 Nov 1997 12:28:44 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Flaming lips cover 

Will somebody please help me with the opening line of "She Don't Use Jelly"?
 I can't quite make out what Darren is saying.  It's "I know a girl who
_________  ___  _____"?  It's really bugging me.  They did play the Flaming
lips version at the Philly show just before the band came out (i should have
paid attention).  i know somebody  out there can help me with this.  By The
way...this is one heck of a cover.  Thanks.

P.S.  about this gay/crack stuff-just don't even dignify this crap with
valuable net space.  There's a lot of stuff we should let go in one ear and
out the other.


Date: Sat, 22 Nov 1997 12:39:03 -0600
From: "Clasen, Benjamin P" 
Subject: minneapolis, interview w/ darren & robert, wanna tape?

hiya kids

im posting regarding a wonderful night and a wonderful show.  i got to
interview darren and robert (with my friend keri - a fellow armchair
freak) before the 11/17 first ave. show in minneapolis.  they took us
aboard their bus and were very hospitable.  after talking for a short
time, it felt like we were just hanging out with friends.  very cool.  i
am not going to post the whole interview, but you can hear robert rip on
you armchair freaks by going here:

and you can read the article/interview/concert review that we wrote for
my university paper here:

whatever.  it was a helluva show.  they had a four day break before
minneapolis and it showed.  i have never seen or heard their energy
level as high as it was.  it was incredible.  thats all im going to say
to keep this post short - but i am going to give you a setlist:

- -  Dr. Psyer
- -  Battle...
- -  Philosophy
- -  selfless...
- -  the last polka
- -  stevens last night...
- -  fair
- -  brick
- -  kate
- -  jackson cannery
- -  one angry dwarf
- -  missing the war
- -  pest?  (the reason for the question mark is because i have never
heard this one - it was about 2 minutes long and the chorus was
something like "hes a pest..." - can anyone help on this one?)
- -  underground (during which they pulled a guy from the crowd up on
stage and he sang the whole thing)

- -  she dont use jelly
- -  song for the dumped
- -  julianne

i do have a tape of the show (when i checked in with the tour manager,
doug goodman, for my interveiw, he said that my camera - without a flash
- -  and tape recorder were welcome), it didnt come out very well, but if
you want a copy, lemme know.

ben clasen

"Have you ever been on a tour bus before?  They usually don't look like
this.  Our bus driver cleaned it up so now it smells like potpourri and
shit like that.  Hi, I'm Darren."

                       -darren jessee


Date: Sat, 22 Nov 1997 14:01:48 EST 
Subject: "Kate" single

i was in Tower Records today, anmd i noticed two things: All of the Tower
Records employees always look at my like i'm gonna shoplift something,
and there was a Ben Folds Five single that i hadn't seen before... The
sticker said import, and there was no visible listing of the tracks on
it...On the cover it said Kate, and had two pictures of a woman, i'm
guessingits  Kate...has anyone seen or heard this? is it worth the 10


"Put a little birdhouse in your soul" - TMBG


Date: Sat, 22 Nov 1997 14:38:29 -0500 (EST)
Subject: yay 

In a message dated 97-11-22 12:01:41 EST, you write:

<< Amen to Melissa "Queen of the bitches" for her complaint about the
 10,000 redundant Armchair Q & A's regarding the Gershwin riff Ben
 quotes from  Rhapsody In Blue. >>

i'm so glad someone agrees with me.  i didn't mean to be harsh, and i've
gotten a lot of responses from people on the armchair... but it honestly
grates my nerves that this question can be answered on one armchair and two
armchairs later, the issue is raised again.

no need to be snippy, 

***oh yeah, brad, if yr still on this, i want my first ben folds five CD
back... please?***


Date: Sat, 22 Nov 1997 16:05:08 -0400 AST
From: "Kevin" 
Subject: random thoughts...

> Date: Wed, 05 Nov 1997 04:42:41 -0500 (EST)
> From: "CIT, Camp Newsie" 
> Subject: Boston Show
> And to the other Armchair people I met, thanks for helping me take  
> pictures.  Can't wait to see how they'll turn up.

Did you receive your pictures???

> Closed with Underground, and the encores where She Don't Use Jelly and Song 
> for the Dumped.

How is the songs live??? Who sang She don't use Jelly before BFF??? 
Is it possible to have the lyrics???
> Date: Wed, 05 Nov 1997 22:15:45 +1100
> From: Petra 
> Subject: Cannibal Corpse...

> Ben mentioned on the Rage special that Cannibal Corpse was one their 
> favorite bands and that their video 'Staring thru the eye of the dead' 
> was the basis for the video of 'one angry dwarf', and how it had been 
> "Robert's thing" to do that.

I just saw the web page of Cannibal Corpse and all I can say is that 
it is so gross... Just liked to put that in. Does Ben really like 
that group with that freaky name???

> Date: Tue, 4 Nov 1997 23:56:02 -0500
> From: (lawson t bennett) 
> Subject: hello bff fans!  intellegent post- promise

>    bff is getting big- its happening and there's nothing you can do about it. 
> there will be people who may sign up on this list cause they heard 
> brick on the radio,

I'm on the list because I have the two albums. I didn't hear Brick on 
the radio. I am one of the few that was there until the start or 
close to the start!!! I'm no band-wagon jumper that is certain... 
People here tells me who is BFF and what music do they play? I just 
say wait and they will get bigger. It is happening!!!

>  i expect my time here will be well spent, and i look forward to conversing
> with you all about bff,

Welcome to the Mailing list then!!!

Somebody wrote:

> I wonder what the album art will look like for the 'new' cd???

Do somebody have something for the new album??? Will there be naked 
baby photos on it??? That would be cool... NOT!!!

see ya fans,

Kevin Hubert

"Souris à la vie!!!"

"Plus le temps passe, plus elle viellit elle aussi
Sa vie se passe comme un glacier dont la fonte est précipitée"
                                La lune pleure---->Okoumé  

"I got my philosophy"... BFF

Souris à la vie...


Date: Sat, 22 Nov 1997 15:31:11 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Emaline 

Hey everyone...i just got a puppy a day after i saw the BF5 show in Lawrence.
I named it Emaline, after the song that is my favorite  :)


Date: Sat, 22 Nov 1997 12:46:41 -0800 (PST)
From: bwjones 
Subject: break-up bands

For anyone who's ever in the mood to hear a good break-up song (a la BF5),
I highly recommend the band Cowboy Mouth.  They had a relatively popular
single out recently, called "Jenny Says", but some of their best songs are
"How Do You Tell Someone", "The Love of my Life", and "New Orleans".  Oh,
and their concerts rock too...

And as long as I'm posting on the Armchair, I'd like to say something more
about my notorious buddies who started the whole gay/crackhead rumors.
True--what they did was stupid, pointless, and flat-out rude.  And even
though it really pissed me off... they're still my friends.  So I'd
appreciate it if everyone on the Armchair would quit bashing on them.

That's all I gots to say,
Brant Jones
University of Southern California


Date: Sat, 22 Nov 1997 16:46:35 -0400 AST
From: "Kevin" 
Subject: end of philosophy...

> to the guy who asked about the song at the end of philosophy- 

There is a song at the end of Philosophy??? I should check it out 

later fans,

Kevin Hubert

"Souris à la vie!!!"

"Plus le temps passe, plus elle viellit elle aussi
Sa vie se passe comme un glacier dont la fonte est précipitée"
                                La lune pleure---->Okoumé  

"I got my philosophy"... BFF

Souris à la vie...


Date: Sat, 22 Nov 1997 15:54:06 -0500 (EST)
From: Eric Patton 
Subject: Gifts, not Shit

	This one's for Jess. In Brick, the line is "And sell some gifts
that I got." Which makes a lot of sense if you remember that this is the
"day after Christmas," as he says in the song. Or at least that's what I
think. Laters!


P.S. Michigan's going to the ROSE BOWL, BABY!!!!!
JOYGASM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
	"We have art so that we do not die from truth."
						-Fredrick Nietzsche


Date: Sat, 22 Nov 1997 16:18:08 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Pop-up Video 

Hey Armchairites,
   The creator's of Pop-Up Video on VH1 were on Oprah the other day and
invited people to send information regarding groups and songs for them to
make Pop-ups.  Wouldn't it be great if we could get a Ben Folds Five video
"popped"?  Considering our vast knowledge and resources, I'm sure we could
give them plenty of info.  I don't know about anyone else, but I love useless
knowledge and Ben Folds so this would be the perfect combination.

  Inundate the below e-mail address with your knowledge:

   So, what does everyone think about Operation Pop-Up?

Emily :-)

P.S. Confidential to booters: They're coming. It's been a bad week. :-)


Date: Sat, 22 Nov 1997 16:28:18 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Philosophy 

Hey guys/gals,

i have a question. the ending to Philosophy strikes a familiar chord in me.
 where have i heard it before? isn't there some kind of classical music song
that has something similar in it?


I know dang well that it's Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue.  in fact everyone
here has learned that at least 50 times.   :)

Actually, i really do have a question for all of you.  If you could have a
private piano lesson with Ben and he could teach you only ONE song on piano,
which song would you have him teach you? i'm still thinking about my own
answer.  Just thought i'd ask a question to discuss other than read
balderdash (CRAP) about the crack and gay thing. they are rumors spread to
make you wonder, and it appears that they are working.  don't tickle the
rumor spreaders' fancies. just drop it because it's ridiculous and it's
making naive people mad. Thanks!



"An that's all i have to say bout that." - Forrest Gump


Date: Sat, 22 Nov 1997 18:47:36 -0500 (EST)
From: Cracker 
Subject: Solo project

I am from Bloomington and i have heard that Ben Folds has been around
town.  It was probably a month ago but anyway he was supposedly recording
a solo album has anyone heard any info about this i would love to know
anything you do



End of Magical Armchair Digest V1 #643

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