The Ben Folds Five Digest

Issue #1100 - July 4, 1998

Magical Armchair Digest    Saturday, July 4 1998    Volume 01 : Number 1100

                          THE MAGICAL ARMCHAIR
                    The Ben Folds Five Mailing List

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    Re: Magical Armchair Digest V1 #1099
    BFF in Ap
    SFTD & oz tv
    Re: Magical Armchair Digest V1 #1099
    piano solo and 25 what?
    lotsa small smatterings of stuff
    RE: Magical Armchair Digest V1 #1098 
    RE:Letterman or Conan?
    Florida Dates? uh, no
    Uk requests
    bff post about tour dates in florida
    Sessions in Australia
    Re: Magical Armchair Digest V1 #1099
    For the british BFF fans out there who live in London !!!


Date: Thu, 2 Jul 1998 21:21:13 EDT
Subject: Re: Magical Armchair Digest V1 #1099

Ok.  My opinion on a BNL cover.  A great one would be "I love you" off of
Gordon.  It's nice & jazzy, has plenty of space for improvision & the
harmonies are great.  In any event, I would love to see/hear Ben, Robert, and
Darren do a jazz number, cover or original.  Something from Dave Brubek would
be nice.
The other cover I would love is "Girls" by the Beastie Boys :P  A great one to
contrast SFTD!



Date: Thu, 2 Jul 1998 21:26:50 EDT
Subject: BFF in Ap

In a message dated 98-07-02 21:22:52 EDT, you write:

<< About a week ago I read something about BFF being in the latest issue
 of "Alternative Press".  I scanned through the magazine 3 times now,
 and I still didn't find crap about them.  Is it in fact true that they
 appear in that mag?>>

it was rob sledge in a print ad for umm gibsons epiphone bass.. i scanned it
sumwhere if ya intrested email me



Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 11:23:59 +0000
From: "Al" <>
Subject: SFTD & oz tv

Yay, finally SFTD is getting airplay on jjj, I heard it twice 
yesterday!  Has it just been released here or is it being played 
because of the tour?
I have just discovered that Channel 10 plays Sessions at West 54th 
Street on Friday nights here.  Is this a new thing? I am not usually 
watching tv at that hour on a Friday!  If it isn't new, have I missed 
the BFF show?


Date: Thu, 2 Jul 1998 21:55:32 EDT
Subject: Re: Magical Armchair Digest V1 #1099

Basically, what I meant by the statement "So I do not want a huge shirt, so I
am young." was a defense of being a youngster at the concert, a girl in a
"baby-tee" (and I despise the word) nevertheless. Because who can take you
seriously when you're wearing a baby-tee, but I do not want a big shirt.


Date: Thu, 2 Jul 1998 19:24:10 -0700 (PDT)
From: Katie <>
Subject: piano solo and 25 what?

i lways thout it was 25 people, as in how do you think that i survived the
other 25 relationships/break-ups before you.  but the 25 years sounds
good, too.  

my fave piano solo has gotta be in the middle of song for the dumped, just
cause it is so incongruent with the angry tone of the rest of the  song.
kindof a happy-go-lucky, i don't really care that you dumped me cause i'm
better of  without you feel.  not the most technically difficult, or even
maybe the prettiest, but just kinda cool for it's randomness.

- --katie


Date: Thu, 02 Jul 1998 19:35:09 PDT 
From: "Michael Della Bitta" <>
Subject: lotsa small smatterings of stuff

as alf said, yo!

i have a lot of things i wanted to say, so i'm going to write in halting 
phrase-sentances. hope you no mind.

1. songs i'd like to hear bff cover: punky's dillema by simon 
+garfunkel: one of the biggest non-sequiters in music, it's their ode to 
breakfast food. since they seem to like more lighthearted covers, this'd 
be cool. or not 'cool' exactly, but whatever. also: the only little boy 
in new york, 'cause i think they could do a lot with the harmony. also: 
whoever said rocketman a while back was right on, although i think for 
press reasons they wouldn't do it. also, i'd really like to hear them do 
'web in front' by archers of loaf. i've read they already did that, but 
i haven't heard it. but i think the best song for them to do would 
probably have to be the theme from shaft. but the song needs guitar, so 
oh well.

2. on the topic of music and mass production: what tony said. although 
that thing about the pentagon probably needs a little substation, in my 
book. the thing you forgot to mention was the fcc, who just a couple of 
years ago relaxed previous restrictions on media companies, so now its 
possible to own a. more than one type of media venture (e.g. a radio 
station and a television station) and b. many many of these instead of 
the previous limit, which was like three. so that means the usual jobs 
of the program and music directors in radio stations can be handled in 
coorperate centers miles away from wherever you're listening and can 
affect radio stations all over the country. so it seems like the 
possibility of a certain underground band attaining epiterranean status 
is more under the thumb of big market analysts and media congomerates 
than previously. d'oh. next time anyone on the list calls into a radio 
station and gets on the air, i want you to shout 'fuck the fcc!' 'cause 
it'll get those big-ass radio stations that don't play anything that 
isn't in heavy rotation on mtv fined. (note: author doesn't nec. mean 
that comment, and is in no way responsible for your actions, esp. in the 
case of a lawsuit.)

3. i don't know how many people have access to the song 'guilty,' but 
for those of us that do: what is your take on the mood of this song? is 
it being sarcastic and ridiculing liberal white guilt? is it serious and 
drawing into light the reality of race relations in the south and/or us 
in general? i'm personally confused. not that we could have a vote and 
find out the answer, but i'm interested if anyone has like a good 
argument either way...


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Date: Thu, 02 Jul 1998 21:40:51 CDT
Subject: RE: Magical Armchair Digest V1 #1098 

Greetings everyone!  I have several things to comment on, most of them on
topic pretty much.  First off, whatever that random garbage was at the end of
number 1098 was not appreciated.  Slightly more on topic is that until very
recently I had no clue who the Barnaked Ladies were, but one of my friends
sat me down and forced me to listen, and I loved it.  i guess they must be
pretty big if they've made it all the way to small town louisiana.  Now
slightly more on topic is the interesting story about how I found out about
BFF.  I just randomly picked up NBP off of the shelf and bought it.  I'd never
heard of the band before, but I decided to give it a shot.  And my favorite
song? ..."Fanny Packs."  I run the sound and light boards for things at my 
school, so I knew all about the sudden shortage of duct tape that often occurs
during sound checks.  It was refreshing to see such a realistic view of 
technical work.  Finally. are there any more of us from Louisiana?  i visit in
the whole state fairly often and would love to grab some coffee with someone
when I'm in some random city with nothing to do.  I guess that's all for me
right now.  Much love!
- -Celia
p.s.- Anyone ever heard of JACKOPIERCE out there.  Mail me personally.


Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 12:44:31 +1000
From: "Grover" <>
Subject: Fandom

This post is about fandom. If you don't want to read it, don't.
Being a fan of Ben Folds Five, this, from me, is only half off the topic.

Yes, I have been reading the debates going back & forth about who is a real
fan, whether 'young' (has ANYONE heard enough music to know what is really
good? it's all a matter of opinion) people can really know enough about
music to be classed as real fans etc etc etc. It's gone on forever.
Sometimes it offends me (I'm 16) but I can deal with it.

I'd just like to suggest something. For those of you who agree with people
like <<Tony Flaminio <>> (oh, and by the way, I
have a four track) in that these 'alternateen's' cannot fathom what it is
to truly enjoy music & understand the feeling behind it, the amount of
effort & talent it takes to go into it, to actually appreciate what the
music IS, I'd like you to ask them.

I know I haven't got the natural ability & talent of some people, I realise
I need to listen very very carefully to music before I even have a hope of
playing it. I can't sing. I need a guide as to what chords to use, but I
could talk forever about what it is that I love so much about Ben Folds
Five. I could tell you how I only need to listen to a song once & I could
tell you all the words. How their music can change the way I feel in a
second, how everything inside me lights up when I hear something so
fantastic as Ben Folds Five, how I have absolutely no concept of time when
I'm listening, & the cd will end & I'll suddenly realise I've just lost an
hour doing nothing but being lost in the music. Every moment of it makes my
heart melt, BFF can make me laugh and cry, send me dancing around the
middle of the city, or can have me locked up in my room without moving or
making a sound.

That, in my opinion, is the difference between someone who is a 'real fan'
& someone who listens to music to be 'cool'. I asked my eleven year old
sister, who is 'obsessed' (no-one who saw her would question her love of
them) with Hanson, exactly what it was about them she liked so much. She
can't answer. Simply, she doesn't know. The only reason she can give me is
that 'they're cool'. I've told her she can listen to Hanson without the
headphones when she tells me one thing about them that makes her heart
melt. I believe she's quite happy with the headphones. 

So, if you have a problem with these people, ask them to describe what it
is they like so much about the music. If they can't answer, you can say
they're not a real fan, but you've probably made them think about what
they're doing anyway. If you can't express the way you feel about
something, either to a complete stranger or your best friend, maybe you
need to think about where you'd like your opinions to end up.

It's not about the fans, it's about the music. I love Ben Folds Five, I can
justify my love for them, I don't care if there are 592 eleven year olds
screaming in front of me at a concert because at least it means I'll be
able to see over their heads. Anything that lets me be a part of the music
will make me happy.

Hoping one day I'll stop answering the door in Tom & Mary,
have a nice day


~I got this pain in my heart, that's all~


Date: Thu, 2 Jul 1998 23:08:32 EDT
Subject: RE:Letterman or Conan?

In a message dated 98-07-02 20:53:32 EDT, you write:

>  I was watching the interview from LA Live, and Ben said he was doing
>  Letterman on July 17th ..? I thought he was playing Conan on the 16th?
>  Clear me up!
>  Amy

You can do both on two diffrent days. They are both in NYC around the same
and besides even if they werent in NYC they could take a thing called a plane
to where they film it



Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 00:15:18 EDT
Subject: London??

Hey all...well for all you BFF fans that live in or have been to London...i
have a favor to ask...I'm going to London at the end of this month and i was
wondering if any of you knew of any stores where i can find ANYTHING having to
do with the band...e-mail me if you know of any such place...thanks

(I have to find a good quote)


Date: Fri, 03 Jul 1998 03:02:32 -0400
From: Jessica Brandt <>
Subject: Florida Dates? uh, no

<<Date: Thu, 2 Jul 1998 16:04:54 -0700 (PDT)
From: Leigh <>
Subject: Alternative Press, BFF in Florida, Billboard
Oh yeah, I now realized that BFF are coming to Fl 3 times in October(!):
October 21st Jacksonville, FLClub 5
October 22nd West Palm Beach, FLCarefree Theatre
October 23rd St. Petersburg, FLState Theatre>>

Before everyone mails this poor girl asking her for more info, I'd just
like to point out that i'm pretty damn sure she's confused and got this
info from a *1997* tour calendar. I happen to have tapes of the Oct. 22 and
23rd shows of *1997* and i highly HIGHLY doubt they are playing the same
places on the same dates 2 years in a row.

I mean, if they were, youldn't Frank be the first to tell us? hmmm?

Look for yourself:


        I'm not just naked, I'm Naked for Jesus!!!
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Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 15:09:31 +0000
From: "Luke Wilson"<>
Subject: Uk requests

Right! I've had enough - are you English/Scottish/Welsh/Irish/generally in
the vicinity of the UK and have you longed to see the videos for BFF tunes
that aren't Brick or BOWCCL? Well, sad as I may be, I have noticed on Hit
for Six, that programme of programmes on VH1 that it doesn't seem to take
much to ask for a video to be played. I have emailed VH1 asking how it's
done, but I feel we should vote on it - Kate, Uncle Walter or SFTD? Email
me, and I'll tell you the results....also, what day would be best?


Boiled dog could do maths claimed experimenters


Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 11:14:43 -0400 (EDT)
From: Judi Smith <>
Subject: bff post about tour dates in florida

whoever that was who posted about bff touring in florida this fall: i 
*think* you got something mixed up. i went to the october date at carefree 
theater in w palm in 1997; it was exactly the same date, and it's an awfully 
small venue for them now..... 
i HOPE i'm wrong, but i'm afraid i'm not.

judi smith                     lying close to you feeling your heart beating               and i'm wondering what you're dreaming
                                      wondering if it's me you're seeing
would you catch me if was falling?           then i kiss your eyes
kiss me if i was leaving?                and thank god we're together
hold me cause i'm lonely without you?       i just want to stay with you
           -- counting crows                   in this moment forever    
                                                   -- aerosmith


Date: Sat, 04 Jul 1998 02:16:03 +1000
From: Anna <>
Subject: Sessions in Australia

Hey Lovely People!

I was staying up watching the tennis just then when I was switching
channels and I switched to channel 10 and had this blues guy singing. I
thought the set looked familiar then I remebered the vid u could download
when BFF were on Sessions. Anyway to make sure I checked the tv guide and
it was Sessions at 54th Street.

I'm guessing channel 10 just started the series cos I checked the Sessions
we page to see who the people were. Anyway, the episode I saw was one of
the first ones. I'm just hoping we did not miss the BFF one.

Anyway, I thought all you Aussie fans out there would like to know.

Keep Smiling!


23 days and counting...


Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 12:29:37 EDT
Subject: Tour??

<<  Oh yeah, I now realized that BFF are coming to Fl 3 times in October(!):
 October 21st Jacksonville, FLClub 5
 October 22nd West Palm Beach, FLCarefree Theatre
 October 23rd St. Petersburg, FLState Theatre >>

They are having another tour? Is this true??  Can someone email me and tell me
what the deal is??



Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 15:17:48 EDT
Subject: Re: Magical Armchair Digest V1 #1099

About cover songs.
I think some sort of beatles cover would be good too.  I'm not sure what--how
about I Am The Walrus?  Isn't that what it's called?  I'm more of a Sean
Lennon fan than Beatles, maybe cause I wasn't alive then, I don't know. :)  I
would really like to hear Twist And Shout BFF-idized, too.  I don't know, I'm
not good at thinking up covers, anyway. :)

I bought 3 CD's today:  Black Lab (after looking in 5 places!), Gloritone, and
Super Deluxe. :)



Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 15:03:18 -0700
Subject: [none]

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Date: Fri, 3 Jul 1998 15:10:59 -0700 (PDT)
From: "E. Helzer" <>
Subject: covers

Ben Folds Five should cover the Billy Joel song Prelude/Angry Young
Man.  If you've heard it, I think Ben would do a kick ass job at the
introduction, plus, Ben could easily fit the part of the  Angry Young

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Date: Sat, 4 Jul 1998 01:39:21 +0200
From: "Guillaume" <>
Subject: For the british BFF fans out there who live in London !!!

Hello there !!!
I am going in London this summer for a couple of week and i plan to bring
back home as many BFF stuffs as possible. So, anyone who lives there could
help me and tell me where I could find singles or posters in London? That'd
be great !!
Thanks in advance !
    Guillaume, the french BFF fan ; ))
   Ben Folds Five - Le French Site (français & english):


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