The Ben Folds Five Digest

Issue #1142 - July 29, 1998

Magical Armchair Digest   Wednesday, July 29 1998   Volume 01 : Number 1142

                          THE MAGICAL ARMCHAIR
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    Re: Magical Armchair Digest V1 #1140
    daily post
    Darrens Meat
    Oz Bootlegs...
    Re: Magical Armchair Digest V1 #1140
    Funny Story
    Re: Magical Armchair Digest V1 #1141
    uncle walter cd
    BFF show at the Enmore july 27th
    bff sydney 27th july
    Ben in video??? no way...


Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 21:37:40 EDT
Subject: Re: Magical Armchair Digest V1 #1140

<< Come With Me doesnt make any sense! The lyrics are pitiful. and the
 video? ugh. >>

 the only thing my sister likes about the puffy "Com With Me" video is the
fact he almost gets killed by a city bus....and u know what... i think shes
right?? hmm i wonder they havent made a video for "Air" ???

Just My Random Thoughtless Thought

On My TV:
MxPx om M2
In My Cd Player :
The Scofflaws Live Volume 1
The Toasters Dub 56 and Dont let the Bastards...
Godzilla Track # 5
The Skoidats - The Times


Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 22:06:28 -0400
From: bf5 <bf5@SURRY.NET>
Subject: daily post

<<their third album was NBP which came out in Feb. (US).>>

I thought NBP came out January 13 (US).

<<did anyone else notice ben folds make his worldwide acting debut on 
120 minutes sunday in the squirrel nut zippers latest video, for "The 
Suits Are Picking UP The BIll"?>>

shit, did it premiere this past Sunday???

<< The song is almost decent (suits are picking up the bill)>>

I like snz  :p~~~

<<"You're living in a fantasy world,
 and we can't go on like this no more.
 Just drive down to the badlands,
 girl, it's been a long time."
     -'You're living in a Fantasy World' 
       written and performed by Ben Folds Five>>

I've heard about this some where...where did this come from?

til tomorrow,

\ \/ /
~\/\/hitney  =o)

*i wanna be kate*


Date: Sat, 25 Jul 1998 17:55:37 +1000
From: "two funky dudes" <>
Subject: Darrens Meat

    He Don't eat it cause it makes him sick



Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 20:10:00 PDT 
From: "Adam Jeffrey" <>
Subject: Oz Bootlegs...

Hey Ho Everyone....

Still bathing in the afterglow of the Perth Show. Good to hear reviews 
of the other Oz shows.... 
Just a quick question/request - if anyone has taped any of the Oz shows 
could they contact me... (Perth show????). 
That's all...

Adam from Oz

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Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 23:54:24 EDT
Subject: Re: Magical Armchair Digest V1 #1140

<<so did anyone else notice ben folds make his worldwide acting debut on 
120 minutes sunday in the squirrel nut zippers latest video, for "The 
Suits Are Picking UP The BIll"?>>

Yep yep.  It was pretty cool.  I apparently have shitty short term memory so
it was a total shock when I saw Ben come through the door.  I bolted up in
bed, but for good reason.  I personally didn't care too much for the song, but
the video was pretty nifty.



Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 23:59:48 EDT
Subject: Funny Story

Hey Guys what's up,

Ok, I work at Putt-Putt and i just thought I'd share the funniest thing that
happened today at work....I was working golf today and when you do golf you
get to get people to do stuff in order to get free tokens, like you announce
something someone can do for a certain amount of tokens and people rush to the
desk and do the stuff for you and they get the tokens....if you have no idea
what i just said, I'll give ya an example....someone might say this over the
PA "hey i feel like seeing the macarena so the first person to come up to the
counter and do it, will get 3 tokens....anyways today was one of the first
times i got to do golf with the PA thing, and i said something like " Hey
everyone I'm a big Ben Folds Five fan, so the first person to come up and sing
the words to the battle of who could care less will get 25 tokens...i mean i
didn't really expect anyone to respond to this, but these two girls came up
and actually sang the whole song flawlessly into the PA!!! I was so stoked
that I gave them 40 was so cool...sorry if you thought this post
was stupid but i thought that it was so cool that that happened...anyways one
more thing, I'm ditching Rochester,NY to go to Lawrence,KS for school so i was
wondering if anyone knew if the boys ever play shows in Lawrence? Take care



Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 00:03:21 EDT
Subject: 1138

ok so apparently i've deleted issue 1138 too (what a genius i am) so would
someone please please send me this issue as well....thank you so much


Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 22:55:39 -0700
From: "andy" <>
Subject: Deidre?


Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 00:07:27 EDT
Subject: Seed?

Has anyone heard of the band Seed? Any opinions?



Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 00:06:57 EDT
Subject: GigGuide

Hello there...

JK Fett and all....Yes, there were some *horrible* errors in this review of
Ben Folds Five, Shepherds Bush Empire, London, UK, December 11, 1997.

I did not know that there could be such a thing as "fiercesome piano playing"
and that "Ben Folds Five" is a "person" with elbows and forearms which he uses
to play the piano. 

I've never heard of a track called "Missing" and I wonder why I've never heard
the line: "I saw a girl who looks like Axel Rose" which they report could only
be taken from the track "Dwarf". 

There's probably more, but I'll let you find it for yourself.

Now serving over 90 Ben Folds Five links


Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 00:11:09 EDT
Subject: Re: Magical Armchair Digest V1 #1141

In a message dated 98-07-27 21:05:33 EDT, you write:

<< Last night I was watching 120 Minutes on MTV and they showed a new video by
 the Squirrel Nut Zippers called something like "The Suits Are Picking up the
 Bill."  Whatever.  The song is almost decent and the video is pretty queer
 too.  It takes place in a restaurant.  A cage drops around the table that the
 band is sitting at and they are served as dinner until they escape from the
 restaurant.  Yes, stupid.  UNTIL>>>>>>>>>>>>who walks in the restaurant at
 end of the video?  who asks "excuse me, excuse me, could i get a seat" or
 words to that effect?  our boy:  BEN FOLDS!!!  i was surprised and sat up in
 my bed...that was the only good part of the video...that is all. did anyone
 else see this? >>

I think that that video was damn good myself, and Ben made it even better. And
yes you are correct the song is called "Suits are picking up the bill."  The
monkey was the true star of the video and the song is teriffic too. Their new
album will come out august 4th.  And I beleve that Ben said in the end of the
video "Excuse me sir, can I get served?" Until folks take care.



Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 00:22:34 -0400
From: (joe s schanderson) 
Subject: uncle walter cd

Well, I figure I'll try it. 

If anyone has a copy of the UNCLE WALTER cd single that they can live
without(there's the catch), I will trade you one of the UNDERGROUND cd
singles, a 4-hour video tape with almost ALL the BEN FOLDS FIVE tv
appearances as well as some live shows, 2 stickers and an original copy
of the "some b-sides" cassette. 

thought I'd ask : )

michigan joe

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Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 22:05:12 PDT 
From: "Big Girl's Blouse" <>
Subject: BFF show at the Enmore july 27th

that show sucked.  don't get me wrong, BFF are great, but they obviously 
were not as great as they were in their last tour here.  maybe it was 
the fact that they were halfway thru the tour...but - no improvs, no 
witty banter with the audience, and a definitely very annoyed Ben when 
some teenybopper idiot thought it'd be appropriate to scream "i love 
you!!!" (very inciteful and original phrase there), between the last 
pause before he says "to you?" in Boxing.  pathetic i say.  he shook his 
head and didn't bother finishing.  if the person who did that reads 
this, you suck, and i hope you're happy with ruining the song.

and the enmore is quite possibly the worst venue in sydney.  nay, the 
world.  any venue that thinks that foyer tickets should be sold at the 
equivalent price of the front of stage tickets( ie $40, quite a jump 
from the original $20/$27 tickets on their last tour, and indeed the 
free gig they did in sydney) should be shot and strung up.  and damn and 
blast to ticketek for giving false and misleading information to its 
customers while charging a $3 cover charge.

far too many teenyboppers swaying to every song until they sang brick.  
i hope you all grow up soon.

>As soon as i got home I had a brain storm! A 74 minute CD deadicated to
>the best band in the world BEN FOLDS FIVE! I collected all my boot 
>and MP3s and started the process of making this cd.  3 and 1/2 hours
>later I ended up with a cd called
>        "What the F%CK" : a collection of rare and live songs from BEN

>so there you go. if anyone is interested maybe we could strike up a

hope you won't be selling that.

>that. Maybe I'm too cynical.... at least all the fuck**g 16 year old 
>girls in their newly purchased tour t-shirts had a song they knew the 
>words to. 

hear hear.

 We met 2 of the biggest fans of BFF.  Why 
>do I say this?  Cos they're following  BFF around Australia and 
>going to all the concerts!!  I've forgotten there names, but if 
>anyone in Sydney or Brisbane gets to talk to the guys before the 
>shows, let them know so they can be publicly acknowedged.  They 
>deserve it!!!!!!!

nice to know they could afford it.  we all would if we had the means

don't even know why i bothered writing this here.

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Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 15:31:18 +1000
From: Karen <>
Subject: bff sydney 27th july

I must say, one of the best shows I've ever seen. There was not one song I
didn't sing to or dance to. I apologise for being so annoying to those
people around me. But I had the time of my life.
The set list was something like this:
- -Theme From Dr. Pyser
- -Battle Of Who Could Care Less
- -Philosophy
- -Selfless, Cold and Composed
- -Last Polka
- -Alice Childress
- -Tom & Mary
- -Steven's Last Night in Town
- -Fair
- -Brick
- -Emaline
- -Jackson Cannery
- -Julianne (with the calypso/salsa intro)
- -One Angry Dwarf and 200 Hundred Solemn Faces
- -Underground minus the intro
- -Song for the Dumped
and for the encore they played
- -Boxing and
- -Uncle Walter

It was fantastic. Loved every minute.
I apologise to the guy in front of me for screaming in his ear. Oh and to
everyone whom I pissed off by dancing around like a looney.

Oh and one more thing, did anyone on the armchair tape the sydney
show(27th)? I missed out on four songs and I was wondering if I could
possibly trade for a copy of four songs they played that night which were:
Brick, Emaline, Jackson Cannery and Julianne.
If anyone could help me out, it would be greatly appreciated.
Okay well, that's it. Sorry for the length of the post. Later!!

- --
sometimes I feel like I'm drunk behind the wheel, the wheel of possibility,

however it may roll.
                         - tony scalzo


Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 16:38:23 +1000
From: "Grover" <>
Subject: What????

The boys were on Midday again???? hey??? why did no-one tell me???
(oh well, wouldn't have been able to watch it anyways... but... but...
Oh damn I missed it. I'm finished now :)
that's damn good about the Pauline Hanson line.... classic.... well done
Ben, well done.
yay concert thursday woooohooooo
(oh, & btw, before I was on this list I'd never heard of SNZ or BNL....
"I'm living in a fantasy world..."
bye bye

"Are these walls bullet proof?"


Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 02:37:41 -0400
From: Jessica Brandt <>
Subject: Ben in video??? no way...

<<Last night I was watching 120 Minutes on MTV and they showed a new video by
the Squirrel Nut Zippers called something like "The Suits Are Picking up the
Bill."  Whatever.  The song is almost decent and the video is pretty queer
too.  It takes place in a restaurant.  A cage drops around the table that the
band is sitting at and they are served as dinner until they escape from the
restaurant.  Yes, stupid.  UNTIL>>>>>>>>>>>>who walks in the restaurant at the
end of the video?  who asks "excuse me, excuse me, could i get a seat" or
words to that effect?  our boy:  BEN FOLDS!!!  i was surprised and sat up in
my bed...that was the only good part of the video...that is all. did anyone
else see this?
- - -Paul>>

No that was the guy from Fastball. Ben wouldn't be in a "queer" video.


        I'm not just naked, I'm Naked for Jesus!!!
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End of Magical Armchair Digest V1 #1142

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