The Ben Folds Five Digest
Issue #1392 - February 6, 1999
Magical Armchair Digest Saturday, February 6 1999 Volume 01 : Number 1392
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guest appearances on the new album
Ewell Creme
Armchair band bootleg death stars
toxic ice block
poster trade... old Seventeen article...
General Questions
Re: Magical Armchair Digest V1 #1390
BFF Questions
John Hauer
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1999 21:57:13 -0500 (EST)
From: Ginger Nance <>
Subject: guest appearances on the new album
Some members of Squirrel Nut Zippers will be on the new album, playing
horns. Those are the only ones I know of right now.
Ginger :)
Ginger Nance
Date: Thu, 04 Feb 1999 23:22:51 -0500
From: Jessica Brandt <>
Subject: why?
Er, that whole post I made was not personally attacking the Beginnings CD.
I didn't know it was 2 CDs and I made one mention of it, and that i didn't
know all the details.
I do know that john hauer is somewhat of a jerk...he stole my friend's BFF
poster (long story) and has a tendency to not answer email. but that's just
ME...dude. by the way...last time I checked, jewel cases came *gasp* FREE
with CDrs.
All I am saying is that you shouldn't pay $25 for a's not rare,
it's just from someone making it on their computer. The same with
"Beginnings"...whose concept began with Greg Radawich's "Mix Tape's a
MAsterpiece" about 2 years ago and other various demo tapes that have been
passed around. Not like those songs are secret information.
And even if it has a "passenger" logo on it, it's still a fake. Fake record
label, even if they have other records out (ie other bootlegs). Amazing
what they're doing with computers these days, huh?
I'm sorry if I tried to keep people from wasting their money. I mean, half
the people on this list couldn't buy NBP or FOP when they first came out
just because they didn't have enough money. I want people to know about the
other ways of attaining these shows...the cheaper ways.
As you may note, other people have agreed with me. And i'm sure other people
will agree with Will. And that is how life works.
Ans specifically for Will:
>How can you make money off of spending thousands of dollars?
You need to take an economics class. marginal cost....blah blah blah
>But you can't get them on convenient CD's though, can you!?!
Yes...if you would have read what I said as a general statement rather than
as a nasty post about your friend's Beginning's CD...lots and lots of
traders are now doing their work on CDr, so yes, Virgina, you can get many
bootlegs on convienent CDs.
>Why does this bother you so much? If you don't like it, then ignore it,
>but you don't need to preach to us. I'm sure we all know what bootlegs >are.
I want people to have other options. Like I's not worth going out
and spending $25 for something you can get for $4. I'm not in this for
myself...I have been on "trading hiatus" for almost a year now.
Oh, i forgot to turn on the Cliche Machine and add "this is just my $.02"
tee hee HEE Next time I will add it for your ranting tirade pleasure.
--New Every Month- -Humor, Music, News and More--
Date: Thu, 04 Feb 1999 22:24:44 -0500 (CDT)
From: Joe Kreidel <z_kreidelrj@TITAN.SFASU.EDU>
Subject: Ewell Creme
on the subject of the middle name Ewell...has anyone else noticed that in
the liner notes of Naked Baby Photos, on the songwriting credits when
Robert gets credit (i think just on Dick Holster and Fanny Packs), it is
under the publishing co. Ewell Creme. kinda funny, i think.
"Name's Smalls. Leonard Smalls. My friends call me Lenny, I don't have any
Date: Thu, 04 Feb 1999 21:52:01 PST
From: "Hilton Page" <>
Subject: [none]
Hi all,
Just wondering why there has been old MA's attached to the current ones?
I'm soooo happy today, I have been BFFless for the past week because my
car's CD stacker got stuck and all my BFF CD's were in it. It is now
fixed and my sanity can begin to recover from withdrawrals. I love to
drive around playing BFF loud, I let the whole damn world know that I
love thier music (maybe not the whole world, but Melbourne, Australia).
Is there anyone from Melbourne that knows any store where I can buy BFF
shirts or posters?
I want to ask the boys a question but I can't, it won't let me. What
sort of a tease is this? I get a e-mail saying, go here and you can ask
them about the new album only to be turned down. Once again I've been
What's the deal with the whole T-Shirt thing? Is it happening?
And as for those people who think bootlegs should not be bought, I have
every BBF albulm and most the singles, but it's fun to get something
different to listen to. And saying that people aren't fans if they do
get one, would you prefer them to go out and buy some other bands music?
I've had my say,
and '99'
It will be mine
- -ME-
To the day when we'll live in a video
I'll be stone-faced and pale
You'll pout in stereo
24 hours every day of the year
Oh, what fun I can't wait 'til the future gets here.
- -Ben Folds Five-
Get Your Private, Free Email at
Date: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 01:03:54 EST
From: "J.R. Sebastian" <>
Subject: Armchair band bootleg death stars
Listen I think the bootlegging arguments
(which have no BFF content, really?) haven't touched on a main
point--what about the exploitation of the music by ben and co.
I mean, c' know those CD's they're selling dont cost 15.99 to
make, do they?
PLUS I swear they were exploiting "Rhapsody in Blue" at the end of
Philosophy, I mean isn't that a classical music song?
of course this doesn't even comment on the
SEXploitation of "Missing the War"...
I have a CD-R full of naked pictures of the boys.
e-me if you want it, it costs $1150.00
Sebastian "could we please be objective"
when the music stops
Get Your Private, Free Email at
Date: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 03:45:40 PST
From: "Alice Childress" <>
Subject: toxic ice block
i don't reckon anyone in australia
says 'popsicle'. i don't think.
but can anyone tell me how i can get
some toxic popsicle? or has anyone
got a tape of some that they'll
trade with me for something bf5ish?
please em me.
from JANET =)
(_x_) kiss my ass...goodbye
-ben folds five
Get Your Private, Free Email at
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 15:36:59 EST
Subject: poster trade... old Seventeen article...
I have a lot of Ben Folds Five posters, and though I love them dearly, I have
been desperatly searching for a bootleg of a Californian band called Train...
if anyone happens to have one, or know where I could find one, I would be
willing to trade Ben Folds Five posters, bootlegs, demos, ANYTHING.... Sorry
if this wasn't related enough... but Train is a great band, and I figured
someone on here would be able to help me, and I could help them.
Respond to: Hoser
OH... I was looking through all these old Seventeen magazines for pure
amusement that I actually used to suscribe... ha ha... and I actually found an
article on Ben Folds Five about their first album, they compared them to a mix
of the Presidents of the United States, and Billy Joe from Green Day....
hmmm... SURE. Just thought it was cool that it was an article about the first
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 16:56:45 EST
Subject: General Questions
Does Anyone Else think that it would be awesome for the guys to start a fan
club. Something like Pearl Jam's Ten Club. Also, does anyone know if you can
send the "J-Card" of a BF5 cd to the address on their site to get it signed?
"They said that timing was everything, made him want to be everywhere, there's
alot to be said for nowhere."- Pearl Jam
Date: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 14:03:09 -0800
From: Doron Richartz <>
Subject: Re: Magical Armchair Digest V1 #1390
Mr. Willy, it's seems that you know that you're out of line, so you resort
to making assumptions regarding how educated and experienced I am with
respect to this topic. This is a mistake, because I've done my homework. I
did in fact visit his web page (before my initial post), I did know that it
was not an official release, and I also knew that it wasn't a concert when
it was actually demos (it helps that I have my own copy of the demos). So,
I guess I'll make an assumption of my probably don't own a cd
burner, therefore you don't actually know how much money or time is
required to utilize one of these technological wonders. It's little to
nothing to buy the cds (which as I said before, include the jewel case,
this is why I believe that you don't have a cd burner), and it's even less
time to actually burn the cd if you've already got a cd copy. This is why,
my friend, you have no argument against why this is unjust. Ten dollars may
seem minimal to many of you, but when 20 people have purchased the cd set
from Mr. John Hauer, he's made at least $90 off of Ben Folds' music. Just
to clarify, I'm not bothered by the fact that John is selling the cd, but
by the fact that he's making a profit off of Mr. Folds. I'll say this
again, it does not cost $10 to burn, print inlays, and send two cds. I
don't care what you believe, if you (Willy) actually have a cd burner and
have traded CD-Rs with people, then I'd like to hear your logic. If not,
then don't try to justify something you know nothing about.
If you think about why he put the statement, "I'm always open to trades" on
his page, it makes complete sense. It's a loophole, so people like yourself
will believe that his motives are pure. He probably knows that the only
people who would most likely be interested in it would be people with
little or no trading experience, thus only being able to pay for it. If
they weren't interested in buying it, he'd probably only trade for CD-Rs
(but I'm not certain), which makes the likelihood even slimmer that he
would actually have to trade it seeing as how not many have cd burners.
As for Hayes, you did a good job of taking my quote out of context. Why
would I be talking about BFF as individuals and not in a music sense? It
would be absurd for me to say, "Oh, I think that it's more important to
like the band as individuals, then for the music they produce." That would
be irrelevant to this debate, so why would put it in there? Good question,
because I didn't put it in there, you merely were attempting to find flaws
in my argument...nice try. It's not a question of someone buying the
bootlegs instead of the studio albums, it's about paying someone else for
having a copy of something that Ben Folds put his heart and soul into. If
you have no problem with giving someone else money for his music, then go
right ahead. I'm sure that Ben would be glad that someone else is getting
money for his hard work. You are correct, though, in saying that it doesn't
actually hurt the bands revenue, it just goes to the wrong person.
Doron (Who would like to thank everybody for their support) :)
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 18:42:15 EST
Subject: BFF Questions
Just wanted to answer all those who were asking if anyone was able to submit
questions to the website:
Yes! Mine made it through. I filled it all out, clicked "Submit", and it
brought up a page that said something along the lines of "Thank you for your
question and good luck". So, I don't know what's wrong. Usually, if
something's wrong with a website, my computer is the first one to not let me
Love and kisses (especially to the awesome trio!)
Sarah Z.
Date: Fri, 05 Feb 1999 19:33:19 -0500
From: Ronald Ring <>
Subject: John Hauer
Yo yo yo!!
One more point abouth the mysterious John Hauer...he and I had planned on
trading two VHS's for "The Beginnings." Well after approx. two months he
has not replied to my e-mails. It is very frustrating because I I do have
their demos on CD...but he has a few I don't and I really wwanted
them...along with Toxi Popsicles's two tracks.
Oh well then...I guess both he and I are losing out.
"Why back down like you always do
the time to speak out is long over due
why complain but yet brush his main
he's a cramp surely you're no tramp."
-The Inbreds
End of Magical Armchair Digest V1 #1392
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