Ben Folds Five Digest

Issue #35 - February 19, 1996

                     Ben Folds Five Digest, Issue #35
Topics for Today:
      BF5: Great show!
      Radio Stations Playing Ben Folds Five
      Colo. Date
      Mr. Wrong song?????

 Date: Sat, 17 Feb 1996 19:08:13 -0500 (EST)
 From: Matthieu McAuliffe 
 Subject: D.C.

 How about a gig in Washington D.C?  I know its a hole for music but there
 are some people here who actually enjoy a good show once in a while.


 Date: Sun, 18 Feb 1996 02:29:56 -0800
 From: tramseeladnohr 
 Subject: BF5: Great show!

 Just saw them at the Casbah, great show, they did "video killed the radio
 star" again.  Ben was sick and didn't stick around after the show, boo!  I
 hope he feels better!  I got the other boys to sign my cd tho, so that was
 cool.  Ben is so cute, what a doll, great personality on stage.  They played
 a couple of songs that I haven't heard before, so maybe they are working on
 a new album...

 Naked in San Diego,



 Date: Sun, 18 Feb 1996 10:32:14 -0800
 Subject: Radio Stations Playing Ben Folds Five

 Got one for you, WPLA 93.3 Jacksonville, FL.  Also there is a club here
 in town that has got a great big stage, perfect for a piano.  The place
 is called the Moto Lounge phone number (904) 355-6686.  Hope to see the
 fellows in concert someday.  I saw that they had been accepted for SXSW.
  Are they playing, and if so do you know when and where?  Thanks.


   [Andy: I have heard through an acquaintance at SXSW that they cancelled
 their date there. I suppose it's either due to Ben's illness or the
 upcoming Japan trip. Anyone heard anything else? -fjm]


 Date: Sun, 18 Feb 1996 13:49:53 -0700
 From: Chris Chiango 
 Subject: Colo. Date

 They are going to be at the Fox Theater in Boulder CO on March 12th


    [Okay, nobody's said anything, so I'll throw it out: We went to see
 "Mr. Wrong" over the weekend. It's a kind-of-fun movie, with a credible
 premise that eventually goes way over the deep end, but I listened to
 every piece of music from title to pinwheel and nowhere did I hear "Song
 For The Dumped," even though it was listed in the credits. Did I miss it?
 Was it so buried under the dialogue that it was barely noticeable? Or is
 it possible that it appears on the soundtrack album even though it might
 not be in the movie? The movie itself was not released to critics for
 reviews prior to its opening Friday so you won't see any advance reviews,
 but one comment I'd heard as having been published was "Not much right
 with Mr. Wrong". Apparently the studio is hoping to get Ellen DeGeneres
 fans to see the movie without being dissuaded by the inevitable reviews
 and the strategy seems to have worked somewhat. But I'm still puzzled
 about missing the BFF number. Actually, "Best Imitation of Myself" could
 have been the theme of the first part of the movie. -fjm]

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