Ben Folds Five Digest

Issue #109 - July 1, 1996

                     Ben Folds Five Digest, Issue #109
     * Change the subject of your reply to something pertaining to your
       message (not "Ben Folds Five Digest, Issue #nnn").
     * Don't quote excessively, or quote the entire digest, when replying.
     * Please keep non-Ben Folds Five content to a minimum.
     * If you attend a show, you must post a review!
Topics for Today:
      Jellyfish Live
      Ben and Mr. Young
      what to do?
      macintosh festival
      Ben Folds Five Playing Stations

 Date: 28 Jun 96 13:33:02 EDT
 From: DARRELL PHILLIPS <103502.3461@CompuServe.COM>
 Subject: Jellyfish Live

 Hey guys,

 	quick note-- I have some Jellyfish live recordings that are pretty
 excellent quality.  If you're interested in dubs, email me privately.



 Date: Fri, 28 Jun 1996 19:54:34 -0400
 Subject: Ben and Mr. Young

 For those of you in my area (Philadelphia), The Niel Young show is
 scheduledfor August 16 at the E-centre...opening for him are the Gin Blossoms
 (bleech!) and Ben Folds Five!!!  Is it worth the astronomical ticket price
 just to see BFF?


 Date: Sat, 29 Jun 1996 05:22:05 -0700
 Subject: what to do?

 I'm going to lolla on the 13th, and I still don't know about what we're
 doing to meet anyone else from the list.  I'm planning on wearing a shirt
 that says "do you know frank maynard" (if it's o-tay with the one person
 responsible for this wonderful list-frank).  I haven't accuailly read the
 list in a couple weeks 'cause I've had a lot happen that was un expected.
 Are we still playing marco-polo?  If so, are we still using frank's name?
 Oh, if you could tell me before tomarrow morning it would be great 'cause
 I'm leaving for a wedding in colarado tomarrow and I won't be back 'till
 just before lolla.  Thanx.


 Date: Sat, 29 Jun 1996 14:57:16 -0400
 Subject: macintosh festival

 someone asked for information on the macintosh festival.  it is a week long
 event in new york.  i dont know whether or not BF5 is playing, but it seems
 an ideal thing for them to do.  june of 44 is playing and yum yum is playing
 on the friday (19th).  (if you havent heard yum-yum yet, it is absolutely
 dreamy pop music that can have a tendency to depress the hell out of
 you--highly recommended by me).  i believe that most (or all im not sure) of
 the shows are at a place called brownie's.


 Date: Sun, 30 Jun 96 16:19:44 EST
 From: Callantha Brigham <u2171867@keystone.arch.unsw.EDU.AU>
 Subject: Ben Folds Five Playing Stations

 I dont know if you are entirely Americo-centric or whether you just havent
 been graced with info from other countries (you know exploring the global
 network etc etc), which I suspect is the case; but on the assumption that it
 is the latter (or even if it isnt feel free to ignore me); I will bestow a
 wee bit of Australiana on you.

 I am not from Triple J nor affliated with them in any way, I am just a
 larakin listener of their station, but they do play "Underground" a hell of
 a lot; (which I appreciate). I dont know what the story is with them though.
 I am seeking further knowledge of others of their songs.

 I was willing to recklessly tread out and buy the album purely on the basis
 of that one song, but cd shops here tell me that the record company is sold
 out. And no station in Sydney other than Triple J plays even underground,
 letter alone any other songs off their album.

 Anyway enough of my moaning an groaning.

 Add them to your radio list if you like.

 They are Triple J. 105.7 FM (that is their dial in Sydney anyway, but they
 are national so this changes depending on wherever you are etc). They have a
 page at

 OK later alligator..



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