The Ben Folds Five Digest

Issue #559 - October 25, 1997

Magical Armchair Digest   Saturday, October 25 1997   Volume 01 : Number 559

                          THE MAGICAL ARMCHAIR
                    The Ben Folds Five Mailing List

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    Re: Magical Armchair Digest V1 #556
    Posters, Taping, and uh...uhm...uh... Halloween
    BFF in Chapel Hill
    Thanks, Chuck!
    Re: Magical Armchair Digest V1 #549 
    She Don't Use Jelly MP3
    First BF5 Concert; First Post! 
    The Battle of... 
    Fillmore Tickets, Drummers...
    Underground MIDI
    Come Back to St. Pete - PLEASE!!!


Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 10:43:46 -0400
From: Jessica Brandt 
Subject: Re: Magical Armchair Digest V1 #556

>From: Carrie Shanafelt 
>Subject: Mitchell Lane
>For those of you who have heard the song "Mitchell Lane", what do you think
>about it?  At first listen, I didn't like it a whole lot.  Then I realized
>it was because it depressed me.  Usually BF5 songs, even when they're sad,
>are cathartic and purge a lot of anger/frustration for me, especially songs
>like "Evaporated", but "Mitchell Lane" just makes me sad, kinda like that
>Lou Reed song "Perfect Day".  They're both kind of slow, not necessarily
>sad-sounding songs unless you listen to the lyrics... Now that I've
>realized that, though, I listen to "Mitchell Lane" quite often.  

when i am really depressed or moody or something, i stick 3 BF5 CDs in my
changer (s/t, WEAEA, Kate Orange Single) and listen to these totally
mellow, cry your eyes out, sing at the top of your lungs, smoke a cigarette
1. Mitchell Lane
2. Brick
3. Selfless Cold and Composed
4. Smoke
5. Cigarette
6. Missing the War
7. Evaporated
8. Alice Childress
9. Boxing

uuuhm...i'm sure there's more. well, maybe not. anyway, last weke i
listened to this rotation about 3 times. i fell asleep to it. i was petty
sick and homesick and mad at my friends and stuff.
I think Mitchell Lane is about me. only, i live on Robin Lane. but it could
"Happy when you're stoned, wanna be old...."


Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 10:54:14 -0400
From: Jessica Brandt 
Subject: Posters, Taping, and uh...uhm...uh... Halloween

1. Does anyone have any BF5 posters? i have one, that i paid $5 to a
bartender to rip it off the bar for me. it's worth it. It's a white poster
with the guys in b&w, darren and robert on the left, ben on the right.
Ben's poiting up to "BEN FOLDS FIVE" and "Whatever and Ever Amen" is on the
bottom, between darren and ben. So who else has a poster and where can i
get more?

2. My brother recently acquired a po\rtable DAT recorder and we were hoping
to get a DAT recording of the Cleveland show. Who can we talk to to get
access to the soundboard? what managers?

3. Halloween. I will be a clown for halloween. i bought clown shows. look
for the girl with the big rainbow hat and the pink hair. that's me.


Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 12:10:50 -0400 (EDT)
From: Ginger Nance 
Subject: BFF in Chapel Hill

Hello everyone.  I just wanted to share a random Ben moment--my roommate
and I couldn't get to sleep last night--we were having an argument over
some Ben lyrics (I won, by the way), and suddenly at around 3am we were
inspired to crank up some BFF and dance around the room.  Our other
roommate came home and thought we were crazy, and our neighbors politely
asked us to shut up.  I'm not quite sure what possessed us--I think we
were just really happy because we got our tickets to the show at Cat's
Cradle yesterday!  :)  So anyway, if anyone else is going to be there I'd
love to know so I can maybe keep an eye out for fellow armchair-ers!

BTW--Whoever asked about Superchunk/BFF interaction, I read an interview
with Ben in which he said he never really saw any other local bands except
at 3 in the morning in the ice cream section of the local grocery store.
Don't know if that helps or not!

Ginger :) 

**************************    Ooooo     We'll miss you Dean! 
Ginger Nance                  (   )     Thanks for 36 great years.           ) (     (o)      GO HEELS!     


Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 11:42:52 +0000
From: Melissa Larson 
Subject: Thanks, Chuck!

Hi all!!

I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank Chuck for the info about 
Ben, mom, Kate and everything else.  I think its cool that he is so 
supportive of his brother and his fans.  I also wanted to tell everyone 
who hasn't had the opportunity to listen to Bus Stop or Snuzz (the bands 
in which Chuck, and occasionally Ben, plays in) that it is worth 
buying!!  THese bands are incredible!  In fact, I have been listening to 
Bus Stop so much lately that I had a dream that they played at my 
campus.  (Which is impossible, since I go to school smack dab in the 
middle of IOWA :P)  It was wierd--Chuck looked like Ben, but was 
bodybuilder HUGE.  Can you imagine....?  

I may have access to the Kate single if anyone is interested.  I picked 
one up that had a sticker on the front that said "Includes extra tracks 
Bad Idea and For all The Pretty People."  However, the single contains 
Kate, Mitchell Lane, and All Shook Up (HILARIOUS!!).  Has this happened 
to anyone else??  If you are interested, e-mail me privately, as not to 
disturb the peace of the Armchair...

Ok.  I'm done.  Sorry for the long post...
- -Missy  (not to be confused with Mrs. C)  
"The cruelest lies are often told
                           without a word...
        ...The kindest truths are often spoke
                                   but never heard."
                                                   -Ben Folds

<<<<<<1215 30th St.  Mail #66  G-K Hall  Des Moines, IA  50311<<<<<<


Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 12:56:10 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Magical Armchair Digest V1 #549 

Ben Fold's 5 RULES!!!!

i saw them in Florida, Carefree Theater!!!

They ruled!!

Ben Fold's is such a nice GUY!!!

The whole band signed tickets, shirts, and cd's for me and my girlfriend!!!!!

See them if you get a chance!
its worht the wait!!!!


Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 13:15:33 -0400
From: James Campbell 

> Date: Wed, 22 Oct 1997 21:25:49 -0400 (EDT)
> From:
> " i was thinking about respecting your work for Steven and...ONE, TWO, THREE,
> FOUR!"

"Shut the f*ck up....."


- -- James  ;^)


Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 12:20:38 -0400
From: "Chad Sarles" 
Subject: She Don't Use Jelly MP3

Now everyone can hear "She Don't Use Jelly" in CD quality!

I have posted "She Don't Use Jelly" on the Ben Folds Five Audio Archive.




Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 12:57:13 -0500 (CDT)
From: Bill Tatalovich 
Subject: Brick

Hey all--

I really don't understand this whole argument over the meaning of
"Brick" Frank has said on multiple occasions, Ben himself has said
that the song was about abortion.  'nuff said.  See ya.

Bill Tatalovich

"I guess everything's been said
 so I am coming home with an empty head"
	--Ani Difranco


Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 14:20:35 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: First BF5 Concert; First Post! 

  THis is my first time posting to the list (I just joined it about 5 minutes
ago) and this will probably be the longest post, too.  See, I attended a show
last nite adn just HaVe to share. 
   My best friend and I left at about 7:20 to go to St. Petersburg's State
Theatre (from Sarasota, FL) to see none other than Ben Folds Five; I wore my
new "Marilyn Monroe" dress (really cool) and my feather boa and my Xmas
lights. . .we got really horrible directions from another kid who was going,
so we ended up WaY lost and in TAMPA, Sooooo... we booked it back to St.
Petersburg and eventually found our way to the Theatre (after stopping at a
restaurant for directions where my friend lost her [my] purse) we get in
and the place is pretty cool [and i somehow, unwittingly, get a bracelet
saying that I'm over 21 even tho I showed them my ID at the door], the
opening bands were annoyingly long. . .... and then--Ben Folds Five. We were
on the balcony so it was a pretty good view and they sounded absolutely fantas
tic. I was twirling my Xmas lights in the air and Robert Sledge aka The
Bassist was all "Ooh, Lights!"  and later on Ben Folds waved once when I did
it and then even later he was all "Hello person with the 'twirlies' [at this
point i put them down]...that aren't there any more [at this point i raise
them back up] Oh, there they are again!"   
   After the amazing show we book it to the tour bus and wait. . . gradually
more people start to come and finally there's a big crowd so we decide to
wait by the stage door. People start gathering here, too. So here I am,
freezing, waiting, trying to fix the Xmas lights which i have since broken,
and finally Darren Jesse comes out aka The Drummer.  I wasn't too excited
since I didn't really know anything about him, but I still edged my way in
and tried to think of something new to say instead of "Could you sign this?"
So, I handed him my flyer to sign and decided on "Hey, guess what I want you
to do with this?" and he replied "Uh...Rub it all over my face?" and he
proceeded to do so. LOL, ~then~ he signed it. 
    So. . .we wait outside some more and then these two older guys who didn't
at all fit in and we knew not to be roadies approached us and told us to
follow them inside the back stage door, so of course we did.  I still don't
know who they were, but one of them ept insisting that one of us was his
girlfriendall night... So Who was still inside but Robert and Ben themselves?
So I book it over to them and proceed to be awed, but not incapacitatingly
so.  I approach Ben and get his autograph (I don't quite remember what I said
to get him to sign) and then I asked him if he knew of Imperial Drag, since
it was Eric Dover that had told me of Ben Folds Five at first. He said yeah
and was impressed that Dover liked them. ~Then~ I gave him my slightly broken
Xmas lights and explained how it was me that was swinging them around in the
upper level and how they're all messed up now, but he quickly took them and
thanked me and draped them around his neck and placed the battery pack in his
front shirt pocket, saying they'd get fixed ASAP. Then I took a picture with
him and moved on to Robert.  I said to him "What can I possibly say to you
that hasn't been said already? Nice show? You were awesome?" and he was all
"No one told me I was awesome yet" and I was all "Really? What about
kick-ass?" and he was all "Yeah, someone told me that" and I was all "What
about rad?" and he's all "No!" so i was all "You were so rad! LOL!" He then
offered to draw pictures on my already autographed flyer, but i later saw
that he only signed his name. Then I told him about the Xmas lights and he
complained that it was finally time that the fans gave something back and
that someone had stolen his 'laser gun' last nite that he was going to use at
Halloween to be "Jet boy" or some other random Space figure. After informing
him of my plans to be Snow White for Halloween, we took a picture with him,
as well. Then I rooted thru my purse to give him something and I ended up
giving him two orange Tic Tacs (only 1 and half calories) and assured him
they were best after a cigarette [which he was smoking]. He promised to save
them for later. He then went on to make a comparison between the Tic Tacs and
the beads on his necklace and the necklace broke adn we left him trying to
fix it. . .and went back to Ben [after a brief interval of scouring the club
for and BF5 posters and someone made me an offer to buy my boa]. At this
point the rest of the hordes had made their way in somehow, even the people
from school that we were hanging out with outside; boy, were they surprised
to see us inside.
   Earlier in the night in an adrenilane frenzy I told, no, PROMISED my best
friend that if given the chance to speak with Ben Folds i would tell him the
following joke::: 
Q: "What did the farmer say when he lost his tractor?"
A: "Where's my Tractor?"  
 Being true to my word (as always), I approached Ben once again [cutting in
front of many others who were too sheepish to push their way to him], leaned
on his shoulder and told him that he must hear this joke and I proceeded to
tell it to him. He looked at me afterwards, smiled, laughed, and said "I get
it!"  Then, like the ever stereotypical fan, I once again expressed how
wonderful it was to meet him and I hoped I would get the chance again. 
   Then. . .we left. An hour in the car, a lost purse, and a ten dollar
ticket later, I ended up with Ben Folds Five autographs, Ben Folds wearing
~my~ Xmas lights around his neck, Robert Sledge eating ~my~ Tic Tacs, and
even a really neat BF5 shirt to boot. 
   What a great night.  Thanks for letting me post this. 

***HEY--I know someone was making a recording of the show and I was wondering
if anyone on this list went to the show or knows of someone who did who is
getting a copy of this tape--I would love one, Thanks!!***



Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 14:35:32 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: The Battle of... 

Hey guys and gals,

Got kind of a funny story to share.  On Thursday i had to take a big
Acclerated American History test on the Revolutionary War.  There were like
30 multiple choice questions, some fill-in questions, and some essays.  One
of the fill-ins looked like this:

The Battle of ________________ was the last major battle of blahblahblah....

And, of course, I put "Who Could Care Less."     :)

I wrote a sidenote to my teacher explaining my answer, and then wrote that
the real answer is Yorktown (which i hope is right). My teacher is really
cool, so i don't think he'll care. Anyway that's my story, somewhat
insignificant but humorous nonetheless.   :)

Have fun at the Halloween concert, Clevelanders! I am also a Clevelander but
can not attend, sad as it is. (oh by the way...are any of you C-landers
planning on going to Squirrel Nut Zippers on 11/14? please email me)

Ya'll enjoy your day,

"I wish it was last September"


Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 11:36:18 -0700
From: Kent Hillman 
Subject: Fillmore Tickets, Drummers...

Hey there, my armchair friends:

1st post here, enjoying reading about the shows - thanks to those posters!
Shaking my head over the drummer debate 'cause IMO it's not about who's
'better' its about diversity. What a boring world it would be to have to
judge every musical thing on the same scale, each thing having to be better
or worse than the next. With regard to technical ability - I've found as
much beauty and expression in less technical drummers as in those who were
technically incredible. (BTW, Darren's playing is great! as vital a part of
this music as Ben or Robert) 2+ cents...

This just in from The Fillmore's Web Site, thought it might interest those
in Central & Northern Calif. Tickets can be had at the walk-up box office
on Sundays only 10-4p, or at all BASS outlets...see the Fillmore's Web Site
for more details: 


Sunday November 28 
Doors 8/Show 9 
Tickets: $15.00 Very limited table and chair non-reserved seating with open
dance floor... All ages. 


in the changer:
1.John Hiatt - Little Head
2.Monk - Monk's Dream
3.Toad The Wet Sprocket - Coil
4th slot empty - wife took BFF - BFF this morning
5.BFF - Whatever...
6.Bob Brookmeyer - Dreams 

Chairs, Kent


Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 14:46:10 -0400
From: "Zachary S. Walker" 
Subject: Underground MIDI

Well, I have created a MIDI file for Underground. It doesn't contain a solo
line at all and there are none of the speaking parts at the beginning. But
the rest of it sounds pretty good. Thank you BJ! It's better than any other
BFF midi file out there because THERE ARE NO OTHERS. Anyway, here's the
Let me know whatcha think.
"Got nowhere but home to go got Ben Folds on my radio right now."--AF Duritz
Peace out,


Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 14:55:22 -0400
From: Kerry 
Subject: Come Back to St. Pete - PLEASE!!!

For those of you at the Thursday show in St. Petersburg - why did it
ever have to end?  Couldn't we just harbor Ben, Darren, and Robert and
have them play for us?  That was the best show I've been to, a bold
statement since I've been to some pretty good shows in my opinion, but
everything is "right" about them when they play.  

	First, and most importantly, they mix emotion and enthusiasm when they
play.  Secondly, they're talented...very.  And third the crowd (or
rather we the people of the cult) are entranced.  You can't help but
jump and sing along and be part of the whole 'process' and not give a
sh*t about what people think of you...although I think most Ben Folds
Five fans that relate to the lyrics don't really care what people think
of them anyways - which is good.  Kind of get away from your life for a

	They really affected me and I cannot already wait for them to come
back!  Soon!!!!  Please!!!  Oh and I'm a humungous idiot by the way...or
rather a completely idiotic and avid fan.  As I was walking towards the
State Theatre I turned a corner and saw Darren and Robert walking
towards me and I was completely at a loss of words...I was speechless
and felt like turning and saying "I love you guys!!!!" but my mouth hit
the floor.  So, that was probably the first and last chance I'd ever get
to talk to them and I blew it.  Brilliance Kerry.

	And a note to Alden and Steve:  One person was standing between you
(Alden) and I at one point :)  I was amazed when I was there jumping
around to the music and glanced over and saw your sis.  So I looked
around for you..and you were standing ahead of her and to her left I
believe - could pretty much tell it was you from that drawing of
yourself on your page.  I had to run after the show though...but wasn't
it the best?!  By the way, I was wearing all black, have long dark hair,
and am on the tall side...don't know if ya saw me :)  Steve Clay - I saw
a few people that fit your description but I wasn't quite sure.  I'm
sure we all saw each other at one point or another though.

	Take care all...and "kiss my ass." (B. Folds 1997)



End of Magical Armchair Digest V1 #559

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