The Ben Folds Five Digest

Issue #1395 - February 8, 1999

Magical Armchair Digest   Monday, February 8 1999   Volume 01 : Number 1395

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    Gershwin, Dawson's Creek..
    One amazing night
    The Beginnings Ain't Bad
    Re: Magical Armchair Digest V1 #1393
    mr hauer...
    BFF Chat room
    Re: Magical Armchair Digest V1 #1393


Date: Sat, 06 Feb 1999 23:13:35 -0500
Subject: bootlegs

All this talk about bootlegs....I think everyone is forgetting that Ben
Folds Five allows bootlegs.  Many bands have policies against it....BFF
does not.  Therefore, you are not exploiting the band.


Date: Sat, 6 Feb 1999 20:35:05 -0800 (PST)
From: Jodie Poole <>
Subject: Gershwin, Dawson's Creek..

Hi there,

  Does anyone know of any sites that have a real audio version or mp3
of Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue?

  We here in Australia have just been blessed with the start of
Dawson's Creek!  (sorry, I'll try to contain my excitement).  Can
anyone in the US give us any indication of which episode Evaporated is
featured in?

Also, if Chantal from Australia is still on this list, please e-mail me.

        /      \
Perth=> *_.--._/

Get your free address at


Date: Sun, 7 Feb 1999 15:56:12 +0000
Subject: One amazing night

Hi there - long time reader, first time writer Haha!

Anyway, I was just listening to that One Amazing night CD, and it 
struck me that the ending to BFF's version of Raindrops keep 
falling on my head was almost exactly identical to Mike Myres 
version of What new pussycat.  Has this been noticed before, or 
have I just discovered a ground breaking discovery?

Also if anyone in the UK has any bootlegs of Ben folds could you 
email me.  

Have a great one,



Date: Sun, 7 Feb 1999 12:22:23 EST
Subject: The Beginnings Ain't Bad

The BF5 page is working on a CD-R of the BF5 composing
demos and say they will sell it for about $10!!!! Now, correct me if I'm
wrong, but there is a link to that page at  now, again, correct
me if I'm wrong, but that's the OFFICIAL Ben Folds Five page. And the
Beginnings is practically the same CD, and is also $10.


Date: Sun, 7 Feb 1999 12:25:31 -0500 (EST)
From: Loreta Costa <>
Subject: Re: Magical Armchair Digest V1 #1393

Ok, i will get kilt for this, but i don't care. being that i don't have
either the time nor the resources to find unreleased work by one of my
favorite bands, i will pay someone to do it for me. so, anyone who agrees
with me, i ask you this: where the hell can i get this "beginnings" cd?
again people, respect my choice. i want this freakin' cd. and to my
friends: please tell me where to get it. Thanks!!!!!

"Think wrongly, if you please, but in all cases think for yourself."
   --Doris Lessing
- ---------
Loreta Costa


Date: Sun, 7 Feb 1999 13:59:19 EST
Subject: philosophy/underground

sorry, I made a little typo... Rhapsody in Blue is at the end of Philosophy...
my bad. I get a little flighty sometimes. And as far as color printing for CD
cases, you can get a bundle of 100 done for like fifteen bucks.



Date: Sun, 07 Feb 1999 13:00:31 PST
From: "Alice Childress" <>
Subject: mr hauer...

hello people! i got the beginnings
about a month ago, and at the time
i didn't know how much a cd-r cost
so i kinda thought it sounded cheap,
but now with all this talk i'm
starting to feel kinda guilty that
i got it. people are adding up his
costs etc, and i'd just like to add
that you shouldn't include "printing
costs", (at least i don't reckon)
coz on the one i got, the cover was
just a bitta white paper with the
track listing in black ink. no colour,
no fancy paper. i got my mum to print
the picture of the cover (found at
the site where the info is) in colour
at her work.

                from JANET  =)


         (_x_)  kiss my ass...goodbye
                -ben folds five

Get Your Private, Free Email at


Date: Sun, 07 Feb 1999 15:39:25 PST
From: "Hilton Page" <>
Subject: BFF Chat room

Hi Fivers,

Just found a BFF chat room and thought I'd post the address incase 
anyone was interested.

There was no-one their when I was in, but I guess that's because it was 
daytime here in Aus, and nighttime in the States. Or maybe no-one knows 
about it, possibly no-one cares!

By the way, Although I think that bootlegs are cool to own, I don't have 
any, mainly because of the lack of BFF stuff in Australia. 

A message for Ben, Darren and Robert, if you're reading the MA. Please, 
please, please get some major marketing happening "Down Under". It's 
quite depressing, that such an awesome talented band is just not "out 
there" over here. :-(

By the way, I was at the BFF site and noticed that the guys who runs it 
is Hauer, is it the same dude some people are ripping into about 
bootlegging, if so, he must have some connection with the band 'I'd 
think', and if not, well he's put in some hours for the band so he must 
be a fan. I'm sure you wouldn't rip off a band you love and I'm sure he 
wouldn't either.

I said what you wanted to hear
and what I wanted to say........


To the day when we'll live in a video
I'll be stone-faced and pale
You'll pout in stereo
24 hours every day of the year
Oh, what fun I can't wait 'til the future gets here.
- -Ben Folds Five- 

Get Your Private, Free Email at


Date: Sun, 07 Feb 1999 16:16:41 -0800
From: Doron Richartz <>
Subject: Re: Magical Armchair Digest V1 #1393

<< The fact that I do not own a cd burner does not mean that my arguments are 
not valid. I'm not homeless either, but I know that homeless people exist. 
I've never met Washington, but I know a lot about him. I don't own a 
mercedes, but I know they're nice cars. (I'm kind of struggling for a good 
analogy here..:) Your above argument is extremely flawed. And once again, 
any 'profit' that he does make is small and negligible, and it sure is a 
hell of a lot less then the $50 that bootlegs sell for at eBay. >>

Well, actually it does discredit you mainly for the fact that you don't
know how much time, money and effort is required for a cd burner. I think
the best supporting analogy would be for you to say, "I don't know how to
write HTML, but I've seen a web page." That's exactly the don't
know what goes into it, but you see its end result. I'm glad you've come to
grips that he "may" actually be making a profit, though it's not
much...he's still making a profit. Regardless of how much it is, it's still
a profit. Sure, it's nothing compared to the $50 cds, but it's still a
profit margin. Do you think that people would actually purchase it from him
at an exorbitant amount such as $50? Of course not.

<< Jesus dude, the guy isn't Satan. It's amazing that you could make such a 
huge statement such as this and have (gasp!) no proof to back it up. How 
many people have you talked to that have offered him trades that have been 
rejected? Heck, in the last armchair alone there was a post by a guy that 
said he ACCEPTED a trade from him. If you cannot find a single shred of 
evidence of the contrary, your argument is not valid. And once again, this 
fact speaks volumes. He cannot be 'exploiting' the band, as you so 
emphatically point out, if he offers trades. And as evidence suggests, this 
is not just a loophole. Nice try though. >>

I have actually spoken with several people who have considered trading with
him, but upon seeing that he primarily sold the cds, decided that it was
not such a good thing (good for them). Did you also notice what the person
who posted was trading for "The Beginnings"? It was two videos, doesn't
that seem a bit much to you? I think that's a bit much, but that's just me.
You seem quite certain of his motives...are you sure you're not in cahoots
with him? If not, I suggest making sure you know exactly what he means by could mean trading the cds for your 1st born...your car...your

Anyway, you seem set in your ideals, so I hope your obstinate nature will
serve you well one day...



End of Magical Armchair Digest V1 #1395

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