For More Information on Ben Folds Five

Last updated June 7, 1999. Send updates to

The Band's Mailing Address

The e-mail address for Ben Folds Five,, was discontinued effective August 9, 1998.

To send postal mail to Ben Folds Five, write to:

Ben Folds Five
P. O. Box 1028
Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514-1028
They maintain a mailing list for show tour dates and other band news and may still be able to send you a lyric sheet for the first album. Be sure to enclose a self-addressed stamped (US postage) envelope if you would like a reply. They are also starting an e-mail mailing list (for one-way distribution of info from the band to fans). To sign up, check BFF's official
web page.

Booking Ben Folds Five

North American bookings for Ben Folds Five are handled by

Marsha Vlasic
MVO, Inc.
New York, NY
Telephone 212-840-6011

Other Ben Folds Five Web Pages

Official Websites

Other sites run by fans of Ben Folds Five

These websites are run by individuals and generally contain significant collections of information about the band:

Real Audio Sites

Public radio station KCRW's Morning Becomes Eclectic has featured the band several times and has RealAudio excerpts on their site.


Scott Schneider maintains a Frequently Asked Questions file on Ben Folds Five.

Usenet Newsgroups

There are several Usenet newsgroups where discussion of Ben Folds Five has taken place. Some of them are:

Or use the DejaNews search tool below.

What about merchandise?

The band has merchandise available to fans via their World-Wide Web page. Several T-shirts, a poster, and the Whatever and Ever Amen songbook are available. Or call 888-BENFOLDS5 in the US. Orders may also be phoned to +1-603-742-4377, faxed to +1-603-742-4707 or mailed to:

Ben Folds Five
P. O. Box 546
Dover, NH 03821

Band T-shirts are also available from CDSquare. They offer two new "Reinhold Messner" shirts as well as several previously available including the "Middle C Ringer" and the burgundy shirt with that famous line from "One Angry Dwarf".

Can I tape a live show? Can I take pictures?

The band has no objection to making a tape recording of a show with a handheld tape recorder, as long as it is for your own personal use and not for distribution to anyone else. They will not give soundboard feeds or patches and you cannot interfere with any of their equipment.

Any sort of profiteering, be it financial or material (blank cassettes) from Ben Folds Five show recordings is considered to be an unfair practice and that takes advantage of the band's liberal policies. Abuse of this policy may result in the band revoking taping privileges for everyone.

All kinds of photography, including both still and video taping, are not permitted. The band no longer issues photo passes. Accredited journalists may obtain photographs from the band's publicity firm or from the label.

These policies may be overridden by regulations at the venue where they are playing, so be sure to check first. If a venue prohibits taping or photography, the band will go along with the venue.

Search engines

Caroline Records

For more information on Caroline Records write to:

Passenger/Caroline Records
104 West 29th Street, 4th Floor
New York, N.Y. 10001
In the U.K.:
Caroline Records
12 Barleymow Passage
London W4 4PH
Caroline Records will put you on a mailing list for information about the many other bands on their labels.

Recommended if You Like Ben Folds Five

The Chapel Hill/Triangle Area Scene

Click for or Chapel Hill, North Carolina Forecast

The Chapel Hill, N.C. area whence the band hails is very active musically. Some resources to find out more:

Send mail to with corrections, additions or comments, or to subscribe to The Magical Armchair, the Ben Folds Five Internet mailing list.